A High Heels Haunting
just what did you have in mind?”
    “My shaman kicking your elf hunter’s butt.  He is so weak.”
    Blake threw his head back and laughed as he hit the elevator button.  “Hey, that elf hunter saved your pretty little shaman behind last week, if I recall.  Remember that troll?  With the rampant crossbow?”
    “Damn.  You got me.  I guess I owe you then, huh?”
    He nodded.  “Big time.”
    “Okay, tell you what?  We’ll order in Chinese, lock the animals in the bathroom, turn down the lights, and I’ll let you play with my spells.”
    “Your spells, huh?  Hmm…” he said, getting a wicked gleam in his eyes.  He leaned in and grazed his lips along the nape of my neck.  “It’s a deal.”
    I giggled and went warm all over.
    Blake squeezed my hand as the elevator doors slid open and I stepped one shiny red patent-leather heel over the threshold of the elevator.  
    Oh, yeah. 
    I guess there was one other tiny part of Kya Star’s life I was keeping, too.  What can I say?  They were hot shoes.
    * * * * *
    About the author:
    Gemma Halliday is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of the High Heels Mysteries , and the Hollywood Headlines Mysteries .  Her previous books have received numerous awards, including a Golden Heart, a National Reader’s Choice award and three RITA nominations.  She currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area where she is hard at work on several new projects.
    To learn more about Gemma, visit her online at http://www.gemmahalliday.com
    Connect with Gemma on Facebook at:
    * * * * *
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    Gemma Halliday is giving away one ereader a month during Fall 2012 !
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    * * * * *
    High Heels Mysteries:
    Spying in High Heels
    Killer in High Heels
    Undercover in High Heels
    Alibi in High Heels
    Mayhem in High Heels
    Fearless in High Heels
    Christmas in High Heels (short story)
    Sweetheart in High Heels (short story)
    Hollywood Headlines Mysteries:
    Hollywood Scandals
    Hollywood Secrets
    Hollywood Confessions
    Anna Smith-Nick Dade Thrillers:
    Play Nice

    Young Adult Books:
    Deadly Cool
    Social Suicide

    Other Works:
    Viva Las Vegas
    A High Heels Haunting (novella)
    Watching You (short story)
    Confessions of a Bombshell Bandit (short story)
    * * * * *
    * * * * *
    of the exciting first book in the 
    High Heels Mysteries
    by Gemma Halliday:
    * * * * *
    * * * * *
    Chapter One
    I was late.
    And I don’t mean the kind of late where I spent too much time doing my hair and was now stuck in traffic.  I mean I was late late.  The kind of late where the 99% effective warnings on the side of condom boxes flashed before my eyes as I white knuckled my way down the 405, silently screaming, why me?  Why, oh why me?  I’m a new millennium girl.  I took copious notes in 6 th grade Sex Ed.  I carry just-in-case condoms in the zippered section of my purse.  And, after that first singularly awkward experience in the back of Todd Hanson’s ‘82 Chevy after junior prom, I have been meticulously careful.  Me.  I was late.  And I was not taking it well.
    “Dana?”  Silence.  “Dana, I need to talk to you.”  Silence.  “I swear to God if you are screening me I am never speaking to you again.”
    I switched my cell phone to the other hand as I changed lanes, narrowly avoiding a collision with a pick-up that had “wash me” carved in opaque dust, before continuing my desperate pleas into my best friend’s answering machine.
    “Dana, please, please, please pick up?  Please?”  I paused.  Nothing. 

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