A Hero for Her Heart (Truly Yours Digital Editions Book 885)

A Hero for Her Heart (Truly Yours Digital Editions Book 885) by Nancy Toback, Candice Miller Speare Page B

Book: A Hero for Her Heart (Truly Yours Digital Editions Book 885) by Nancy Toback, Candice Miller Speare Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nancy Toback, Candice Miller Speare
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you implying that I should go back with him?”
    “That’s not what I said. Not at all.”
    Allie pulled in two long breaths. This was going to turn into a talk on forgiveness, and she had forgiven Michael, but she didn’t want him to be a part of their lives. Next subject. “Why did you let Danny invite Michael to his party?”
    “I didn’t. Danny blurted that out. I couldn’t very well say no, even though I didn’t think it was appropriate given the circumstances.”
    “Did you know that Danny also invited Derrick to his party?”
    “Did he?” Ma smiled. “I had no idea. How did you find out?”
    “Derrick told me.”
    She chose to ignore her mom’s blatant show of pleasure at the prospect of having the hero attend Danny’s party. “I know we’ve spoiled Danny a bit. He’s the center of our lives, but we can’t let him run things around here, either.”
    “Danny meant well.” Ma sighed and stood. “He’s a sweet, sensitive kid. I sometimes look into his dark eyes and think. . .” She crossed her arms over her midsection. “Ever wonder what his biological parents were like?” She moved toward the door. “We could ask, I suppose, but Cindy said the records were closed.”
    I wonder all the time, Allie mused, but she’d save that conversation for another day. “All right, we’ll make the best of it, but don’t blame me if things go haywire with Michael at the party.”
    “You’re bigger than that, sweetheart.” Ma opened the bedroom door then turned. “So Danny really invited Derrick to his party?”
    Allie grabbed a pillow and held it high over her head. “Another word about Derrick and—”
    Before Allie could hurl the pillow, Ma ducked out of the room, laughing.
    What did Danny have in mind, inviting both Michael and Derrick? Allie tossed aside the pillow and headed to the bathroom, her mother’s query hanging at the back of her mind. “Ever wonder what his biological parents were like?”
    Lately, and for no known reason, the question wouldn’t leave her alone.

    Sunshine streamed into the kitchen window. Allie poured batter into the pan to make another batch of pancakes. Saturday. Danny’s birthday.
    “Allie!” Her ma’s voice gave her a start.
    Spatula in hand, Allie swung around. “I’m making pancakes.”
    “You didn’t have to tell me. I followed the scent from my bedroom.” Ma laughed and sidled up beside her at the stove. “Drown mine in syrup.”
    “Drowned in syrup, coming right up.”
    Her mother peered at her with a suspicious smile. “You seem very happy today.”
    “I am.” Allie carried the two plates to the table. “Where’s Danny?”
    She needn’t have asked. He thundered down the stairs and through the hall, skidded into the kitchen, and posed dramatically with his fists planted on his sides, hero-style.
    “Do I look any different?” Danny puffed out his chest.
    Allie exchanged a wink with her mom, then frowned and looked him up and down. “I don’t think so.”
    Ma shook her head. “Except maybe your entrances are getting noisier.”
    “My muscles are bigger.” Danny flexed his skinny arms, and she and Ma laughed.
    “You’re the light of our lives, kid.” Allie set two plates stacked with pancakes on the table. “Now sit. Time to eat breakfast.”
    Danny bounced his fists and planted them harder on his hips. “Don’t you remember what today is?”
    “Today? Ma? Isn’t today Saturday?”
    “I believe it is. And I’m very hungry.”
    “Come on!” Danny yelped.
    Allie laughed and pointed at his place at the table. “Silly boy. How could we forget? You’ve been reminding us for weeks now. That’s why I made your favorite breakfast.”
    His ear-to-ear grin warmed her heart.
    “Cool. I’m starving.” He yanked back a chair and hopped into it.
    Allie brought her plate to the table, and after they prayed, Danny began a litany of all the people coming to his party. She almost choked when her nephew mentioned Derrick’s name,

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