A Gown of Spanish Lace

A Gown of Spanish Lace by Janette Oke Page B

Book: A Gown of Spanish Lace by Janette Oke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janette Oke
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changed footwear quickly, her back to him. He walked to the window and stood looking out so she wouldn’t be embarrassed by his presence.
    She was soon bundled in her heavy coat, her hat firmly in place over her pinned-up curls. He knew the flimsy bit of felt and ribbon would be absolutely no protection against the elements, but he didn’t say so.
    He pushed the heavy door open and preceded her out into the wintery sunshine. Though it was weak in warmth, it was bright as it reflected off the whiteness of the snow. He saw her squint against it and remembered it had been some time since she had seen the full light of day.
    They had taken only a few steps when the door of the big cabin burst open and three of the gang members stepped out into the light and headed for the barn.
    Instinctively Laramie glanced around for cover. There was none. There would be no way to avoid a meeting.
    Laramie heard the rough words, the coarse laughs, and then three heads came up and three pairs of astonished eyes stared in his direction.
    “Well I’ll be—” exclaimed James and followed his comment with a muttered curse.
    Curly, a bottle dangling from his limp hand, could only stare, openmouthed.
    But it was Skidder who drew the attention of Laramie. After his initial shock, his eyes narrowed and an evil grin began to spread over his face. “A ‘prisoner’?” he guffawed. He spilled out a stream of profanity. “Prisoner, ya call thet? I’d bet my Winchester thet Daddy done gone and got his boy a pretty little filly.”
    He hooted again and slapped his thigh.
    Laramie felt the heat rushing to his face.
    All three of the men grinned, James fidgeting nervously and Curly twisting his near-empty bottle in bare hands.
    Laramie chided himself for his carelessness. He had stepped out of the cabin right into a nest of hornets. He glanced in silent apology at Ariana’s downcast eyes and burning cheeks. Skidder, who was known to be drawn to women, was bound to make an issue over a girl being in camp. But how big an issue? Would he be smart enough to back off? Or would he force Laramie into unwanted action?
    For the first time in his life Laramie felt his fingers itching for the security of the cold butt of his forty-four.

Chapter Ten
    What Now?
    Laramie had heard the girl’s sharp intake of breath and sensed her stiffen at the crude comments of the men before them. It was all he could do to hold himself steady. Inwardly he willed Skidder to keep his head and just move on. What would he do if the rough outlaw decided to push further?
    “Reckon you boys got business at the barn,” Laramie drawled softly. But his hands hung loosely and his stance had changed.
    For a few moments the whole winter world seemed to hold its breath. Skidder stood poised as though deciding whether to have a bit more fun at Laramie’s expense, or get himself out of the area in one piece. Common sense finally won and he nodded, still leering, and moved off toward the barn.
    Laramie waited until the three were several steps away before he relaxed, nodded to the girl, and motioned for her to continue.
    Her face had blanched white; her large eyes had widened. He could see that she trembled slightly, and he knew she was fully aware of the danger that had just passed.
    “I…I’m not sure…” she began in a trembling voice.
    “He won’t be back,” he said with more confidence than he felt.
    She looked unconvinced.
    “I think I’d just like to stay in,” she managed hesitantly.
    He nodded. He would not argue further. It was unfortunate that they had been spotted. He should have been more cautious. Now the others knew there was a girl in the camp. Now there would be no rest—and sure trouble.
    Secretly he wondered if she would even be safe in the cabin—but he didn’t mention that to her as he led her back down the snowy trail.
    He would do what he could.

    Ariana was surprised later in the day when the young man returned and brought with him a hammer and a large

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