A Game of Gods: The End is Only the Beginning (The Anunnaki Chronicles Book 1)

A Game of Gods: The End is Only the Beginning (The Anunnaki Chronicles Book 1) by K. Hari Kumar, Kristoff Harry Page B

Book: A Game of Gods: The End is Only the Beginning (The Anunnaki Chronicles Book 1) by K. Hari Kumar, Kristoff Harry Read Free Book Online
Authors: K. Hari Kumar, Kristoff Harry
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    Late at night
    Outside El-Salam Hospital, Giza
    A group of stoutly built men adorned in black outfits traversed their way across the road and ventured into the Hospital. A veil of black cloth covered their mouth, and a silver button, placed wickedly on the front side, held their turban together. Three of them stopped at the front entrance, and waited with their swords drawn out in defense. They hid themselves in the shadow of the night. The remaining two went inside, and walked towards the reception.
    The receptionist saw the mysteriously dressed men approaching his desk; he immediately recognized them as one of the radicals who had been raiding hospitals in the region. Instinctively, he went ahead to press the emergency alarm, however, he felt something gently kissing his left ear. Something cold and metallic. He turned to look at the object and realized he was being held at gun point by one of the men who came from outside.
    ‘Do as we say, or we will send you to jah’anum .’ The man threatened. His voice was stern as a rock, and frozen as ice.
    ‘What do you want?’ The receptionist asked trembling.
    ‘Check your records. We want a divine woman.’
    ‘D…d…divine woman?’ The receptionist was confused.
    ‘Yes, the one that was born of the Gods and made for the pleasure of the Gods. We want her.’ The man stated in an ecstatic manner.
    ‘Please, Sirs, I do not know of such a woman.’
    ‘The divine one is of the rarest kind.’
    ‘I am unable to understand your metaphoric undertones. Please spare me.’ The receptionist started begging for his life.
    ‘Show us the list of in-patients. We will find out ourselves, and do not dare to speak about this with anyone, or we will send you to hell.’ The other man who was standing in front of the receptionist commanded.
    The poor receptionist did as he was asked to. He opened the drawer, picked up a large sized register, and placed it on the table. The man in black rotated the register and started going through the records. After five minutes, his eyes opened wide and he looked at his friends who were waiting eagerly for a favorable outcome. The man’s face gave birth to a diabolic smile. He looked at the man who holding the gun at the receptionist and nodded. He asked the other men to follow him as he started walking towards the stairs.
    Until now they were hiding in the dark, but they were there- The mesha mes-en saret .

    The Giza Plateau
    The blinding whiteness encompassed all the sides, it was as if moving through a tunnel that was painted with brightly glowing white color from the inside, and no one could ever know what is on the outside. The teleportation was instant, so before you could grasp in the gravity of the travel, you are out of it through the other end, and the sudden fall in sound only deafens the ear, giving a tinnitus like ring to the human ear. Manav had held on tightly this time to the paws of Kun-Ha. However, there was some delay; the travel was not instantaneous. Manav could feel that he was spending time inside the vacuum like whiteness. A sense of nauseating claustrophobia clouded over his mind.
    ‘What is it? Are we stuck here?’ He asked the angel nervously.
    ‘There seems to be some kind of terrestrial electromagnetic field that seems to be interfering,’ it closed its eyes and tried to focus onto something. And then it spoke, ‘Yes, just hold on tightly. This is going to be bumpy.’
    Rightly as said by the angel, Manav experienced a tremor, followed by another one that had a higher magnitude.
    ‘Is it over?’ He asked.
    ‘Quite, hold on!’
    And then there was the third tremor, the mighty one. Manav almost dropped down, but he could hardly make out if he had hit the floor or the roof or the sidewalls, for everything looked exactly same.
    A bloody endless circular tube.
    ‘It should not trouble us anymore. You know dear, we must have missed almost an hour’s worth of earth

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