A Firm Hand: 2 (Bound to You)

A Firm Hand: 2 (Bound to You) by Fallon Blake Page A

Book: A Firm Hand: 2 (Bound to You) by Fallon Blake Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fallon Blake
Tags: Erótica
piercings were like little toys begging to be played with. The napkin drifted from his hand, forgotten. He fingered one of the loops, twisting and tugging it.
    “Tell me about your art.”
    She swallowed, finishing her bite. “I can’t think while you’re doing that.”
    “Good. You’re not supposed to think, just talk.”
    “Umm…” She squirmed. “I sketch sometimes, but digital art is what I like most.”
    “What kind of digital art? Portraits, landscapes, soup cans…what?” He grasped the other peak, pinching and rolling it between his thumb and forefinger.
    Her eyes glazed over. She arched her back, rounding her shoulders, presenting her breasts to him. “Oh god,” she murmured.
    “You draw God?” Twist. Tug .
    “What?” she asked, bewildered. “No, mostly moments… oh …my expression of them. Oh Brian, please.”
    The little noises she made resonated in his cock, coaxing it to life. “Moments?”
    Moaning, she spread her thighs and inched her pelvis toward him.
    He pinched her nipples hard enough to get a resounding yelp out of her. “Stop thinking about your needy cunt for a few minutes and focus on the conversation.”
    Mouth gaping, she glared at him. Her struggle with his command played across her face, but she stayed silent. Closing her lips, she relaxed her posture, playing the demure submissive. He wasn’t fooled, not for a second. She may not have spoken, but her acerbity burned brightly in her eyes.
    “You’re learning already. I know how hard it must have been to bite your tongue just now. Next, I think we’ll work on those dirty looks you’re so quick to give.”
    She dropped her gaze, nervously worrying her bottom lip with her teeth. He knew better than to assume she could extinguish it that quickly. Her anger was still there, dancing beneath the surface, but she was attempting to control it for him. She wanted to obey even though part of her was naturally resistant to it and that pleased him.
    “You said you draw moments. Explain,” he said as he continued to play with her nipples.
    A look of concentration graced her delicate features. “Well,” she paused with a gasp, “it’s really whatever I’m feeling at the time. I try to pour that out into what I’m creating. Fuck, that feels good.”
    “Fuck? Not exactly.” He stood, pushing his chair back. He pulled her to her feet, causing her to stumble into him. Before she had a chance to gain her balance, he pushed her to her knees. He made a sound low in his throat when she glanced up at him with an impish grin. Naughty girl.
    “Open,” he ordered.
    She obeyed. He cupped the back of her head and guided his shaft into her mouth.
    He hoped she enjoyed giving oral sex. If not, she would learn because he planned to have his cock in every available hole and frequently. He paused, allowing her to grow comfortable with the size and feel of him. Immediately, she began teasing the slit, flicking her tongue back and forth and swirling over the head. He groaned when she finally devoured his length, sucking him into the recesses of her hot little mouth. She worked him in and out, settling into a rhythm. The girl knew what she was doing.
    “Touch yourself,” Brian ordered. “But don’t you dare come.”
    As if she’d been waiting for just that, her hand dove between her legs. She moaned around him, her attention to his cock growing more enthusiastic as her fingers manipulated her pussy. She was really getting into it now, no doubt encouraged by her own pleasure.
    No sense in allowing her to think she had too much control. He drove his cock into her throat, gagging her purposely. Startled, her hands flew to his thighs, pushing against him.
    He gripped her hair, tilting her head back, forcing her to look at him. “Don’t ever push me away. I won’t hurt you.”
    She blinked up at him suspiciously, her eyes tearing from his invasion.
    “If you want to come, you’ll do exactly as I say. Put one hand on your cunt and the other

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