A Fine Line
realized how absolutely fake she sounded, but hoped that Molly wouldn’t pick up on the tone.
    Fortunately, her friend nodded, “That could be nice.”
    Lucy sighed with relief, “So, if you could be ready tomorrow night around seven…”
    “What should I wear?”
    “You know your brown and yellow dress?”
    Molly nodded, “Yup.”
    “That should do.”
    Molly’s eyes widened, “That dressy?”
    Lucy nodded and affected the same fake voice as before, “You’ll be fine. He has your address and will be seeing you tomorrow night. I expect a call on Sunday to tell me how things went!”
    The song was coming to an end and Lucy went back to her bass drum where Bronwyn was grinning profusely. She commented, “Great job, B.”
    “Sure! Just ask any time you want to play.”
    “Thanks, Luce!”
    As Lucy drove her home that night, Bronwyn thought that this was the best game she could ever remember. She sighed happily remembering how she not only got to play the bass drum, but how, during the half time show, Drew had commented, “Nice playing tonight,” and had winked. Plus, there was the positively jealous look on Tony’s face when he saw she was playing bass, while he was only on cymbals. It was like this perfect game, never to be topped.
    Lucy looked over at the redhead and smiled.
    At least one of us is happy…
    The next evening, Lucy was a complete and total wreck.
    You’d think that you were going on the date.
    Well, you made the bed, so now you better sleep in it.
    During the day, Lucy had called every single person in her phone book, but it seemed everyone had plans for the evening. She glumly got on her computer and was happy to see Cartwright was also online.
    bassgirl17: What’s up, dude?
    Cartwright213: Nada. You?
    bassgirl17: Do you have a few minutes to be sucked back into some bassgirl drama?
    Cartwright213: Do I have a choice? ;)
    bassgirl17: No comment.
    Cartwright213: I’m just kidding. Go ahead.
    bassgirl17: Well, I think you’d be proud of me this year so far. Instead of wrecking people’s love lives and generally causing havoc, I’ve been playing match maker to a few couples.
    Cartwright213: That is a good step. So, other than things not working out with Sam, what could be wrong?
    bassgirl17: Well, the problem is regarding the last couple I set up; the thing is, um, I think I actually LIKE the guy.
    Cartwright213: Which leads to the obvious question: WHY DID YOU SET HIM UP WITH SOMEONE ELSE?
    bassgirl17: I don’t know.
    Cartwright213: I’m not really buying that.
    bassgirl17: Fine, I actually have no idea why I set him up with someone other than me. It’s like I convinced myself it had to happen and then I couldn’t back out. Something wouldn’t let me.
    Cartwright213: How long has this crush of yours been with your friend?
    bassgirl17: Tonight’s their first date, so, maybe two hours?
    Cartwright213: So, technically, there is still a chance for you.
    bassgirl17: Aren’t you the hopeless romantic?
    Cartwright213: Be quiet – I’m on your side. Anyway, has Mr. Crush given you any indication that he likes you?
    Lucy paused and looked at the screen. What exactly was her relationship with Wes? Technically, they weren’t even friends, but he was definitely more than her…gardener? Was that the word? There was an obvious attraction between them, but that could describe a lot of people she knew. Suddenly, the scene from the driveway replayed through Lucy’s mind. Wes’s arms had felt so right around her…and Lucy couldn’t deny that she had been mean to her brother the rest of the day for interrupting them…
    Cartwright213: Hello? Has he?
    bassgirl17: Umm…there’s a definite possibility.
    Cartwright213: If there’s a possibility between the two of you, then why did he say yes to your set up?
    bassgirl17: Because I basically wouldn’t take no for an answer?
    Cartwright213: Maybe…or maybe you’re confusing the hell out

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