A Field of Poppies

A Field of Poppies by Sharon Sala

Book: A Field of Poppies by Sharon Sala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Sala
Tags: Romance
first at the dialysis machine, then back at her grandmother.
    “ What do you mean? You said I was better.”
    “ Your lungs appear to be healing, but your kidneys will not.”
    Callie’s face registered her shock. “What’s going to happen to me? Will I always be hooked up to that machine until I die?”
    Amelia was disconcerted. Justin needed to be the one dealing with this, not her. But he wasn’t here and the questions were coming faster than she could think.
    “ No, no, that won’t happen. You’ll get a kidney transplant and then things will be different. You’ll see.”
    Callie’s heart was beating very fast like it did when she was afraid.
    “ Nana, do you believe in heaven?”
    Amelia brushed a bit of hair from the corner of Callie’s eyes and then smiled.
    “ Yes, I do. Do you?”
    Callie frowned. “I’m not sure. I think so, but it’s scary to think about dying.”
    “ You’re not going to die,” Amelia said firmly.
    “ Everyone thought I would. I heard them talking. Something could still go wrong. What if they can’t find a new kidney for me?”
    Now Amelia was angry. How dare anyone speak negatively where the girl could hear? She was going to have to have words with Justin about this.
    “ But they will find a kidney, my darling, they will. I promise. You need to stop worrying, okay? Dr. Summers and your Daddy and I are going to take care of everything. All you have to do is keep getting stronger.”
    Callie looked past her grandmother’s face to the windows beyond.
    Amelia felt as if she was looking at a stranger. Callie’s face was pale and her eyes so sunken it was almost like looking at a corpse.
    “ But Nana, if I get a transplant, doesn’t that mean someone has to die first in order for me to live?”
    Amelia blinked. Dear lord, but they had been living in a bubble, thinking Callie was unaware of the implications. She had to be careful not to scare her, but help her understand the seriousness of the situation.
    “ Not necessarily. People have two kidneys, but they can live a long normal life with just one, so sometimes people donate a kidney to someone else. Okay?”
    “ Can you donate one to me, Nana?”
    Amelia sighed. “No, and it breaks my heart. I’m too old and not so healthy. You wouldn’t want one of mine. It wouldn’t last long enough to make you better. I’m so sorry, my love. I’m so sorry.”
    “ It’s not your fault, besides, don’t worry. Daddy can give me one of his.”
    Amelia shook her head. “No, he can’t. Remember when your daddy got sick when you were little and spent all the time in the hospital?
    Callie nodded. “That was before Mommy died.”
    “ Yes, before your mommy died. So when he got sick, it made his kidneys sick too. When he began to get well, one got well but the other didn’t. Now he only has one, which he has to keep.”
    She watched Callie’s eyes widen as the seriousness of the situation sunk in. Her chin began to quiver.
    “ Maybe I’m not supposed to live to be an old woman. Maybe I’m supposed to go live with Mommy in heaven.”
    Amelia wanted to weep. Instead, she wrapped her arms around Callie’s shoulders and pulled her close. Callie had enough courage. All she needed was strength.
    “ We’re not going to worry about this. This is out of our hands. God is good and He will take care of you. I have faith that is so.”
    “ Don’t worry, Nana. Whatever happens, I’m not afraid.”
    Poppy parked in front of The Depot, then smoothed down the front of her blouse before going inside. Since she wasn’t on duty, she wasn’t going to slink in the back door like a step-child.
    Vic saw her within moments of her entrance, and waved.
    Two of the waitresses stopped long enough to stare then looked away.
    Poppy frowned. What the hell? She hadn’t done anything wrong, so why was everyone treating her like a pariah?
    “ Poppy, it’s good to see you,” Vic said. “We’re all worried about you, you know.”

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