A Family Affair (A Taboo Tale #2)
Chapter One
    Home Is Where the Guilt is (Davis)
    Davis pushed through the doors of the study,
his heart racing. He went to the liquor cabinet immediately.
Usually he'd grab a chilled glass and a few cubes of ice, but
tonight, he didn't even bother with any of it.
    With shaky hands, he removed the cap and
threw back the bottle. He winced as the alcohol went down like
liquid fire. After five shots at a dive across the street from
Creighton Memorial, he was surprised he still felt a thing at
    He took a deep breath before taking a second
swig. Then a third. He looked and saw there was only half a bottle
left. Bottoms up.
    He sunk into the comfort of his leather chair
and shut his eyes.
    This had to be a nightmare. But he pinched
himself and he didn't wake up with Jess's tight little ass pressed
against him. He didn't wake to a raging hard on that begged to be
plunged into her velvet folds, followed by her groggy moans as she
rocked her hips in time with his. There was no explosion as his
juices flowed into her welcoming cunt. There was only all-consuming
guilt and terror that no amount of booze, prayer, or wishful
thinking would undo.
    "Pregnant," he said aloud, letting reality
creep back in. He'd gotten Jessica, his eighteen year old
stepdaughter, pregnant. His Jess. His perfection...knocked up.
    He could still see her swollen eyes. He never
thought he'd use the word 'swollen' and 'Jess' and not be
describing his thick cock. But someone up there had one hell of a
sense of humor. A forbidden tryst came with its consequences.
    He opened his eyes when a rapid knock shook
him from his pity party.
    Jess stood in the doorway. She wore an
oversized Creighton t-shirt and a weary expression.
    Davis shook his head. "If you've come to tell
me how horrible I am-"
    "No," she interrupted, stepping forward.
Davis couldn't help but notice the way her breasts shook beneath
the shirt. He knew that if he brushed against her he'd feel her
buxom chest tight against it.
    He gave his head another vigorous shake. That
right there--that consuming desire—that was what put him in this
predicament in the first place. Because he couldn't keep his hands
off her perfect body, he'd ruined both their lives.
    Toshi had called his bluff when he showed
hesitation at coming out with his relationship with Jess. For a
moment, before the sky fell out, he'd entertained the idea.
Yeah--he'd be labeled as a 'dirty old man', but eventually people
might've warmed to the union. It rocked him to his core to even
think of the looks he'd receive from his co-workers, his friends,
when they found out Jess was pregnant.
    Jess took his face in her soft hands. "I
didn't mean it, Davis. Any of it."
    He wrenched his face away, blinking as he
felt the fuzzy warmth of the alcohol. "Right. So when you basically
called me a piece of shit that only cares about pussy, what did you
    She crossed her hands against her chest and a
shot of sadness echoed through Davis. A chest like hers wasn't
meant to be hidden--it was meant to be kissed, licked, and held
together while he slid his cock into its soft warmth.
    He slid back, trying to create some distance.
"Just, uh, go get some rest. I need some time alone."
    But Jess came closer. Her blonde hair was
like wet silk and he could smell her strawberry shampoo. He wanted
to pull her hair back with his fist as he burrowed his dick in her
pussy. He didn't want to feel or think.
    "I need you Davis," she cooed, her voice
thick and warm in his ear.
    He let out a tortured sigh as she pulled her
shirt over her head, revealing her luscious breasts, her peaks
already ripe and begging for his mouth.
    "No," he said hoarsely, but his body screamed
yes as his cock snapped to attention, pressing uncomfortably
against his jeans.
    He bit his lip and the spark of pain was
sobering and he snapped to his feet. His chair slammed into his
book cart, uppending a stack of folders.
    "No," he repeated more firmly. "We're not
gonna do this Jess. You're

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