A Daughter's Dream

A Daughter's Dream by Shelley Shepard Gray Page A

Book: A Daughter's Dream by Shelley Shepard Gray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelley Shepard Gray
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She said you were her star pupil, too.”
    â€œReally?” Miss Wallace had never acted like she was a star. Instead, she’d always seemed a bit put out with her.
    â€œReally. That’s why I asked your uncle to come in this morning to talk to me, Lilly. I think we need to work out a new plan for you.”
    â€œWhat kind of plan?”
    â€œA plan where you are challenged more. There’s no reason for you to be doing sixth-grade math when you should be doing eighth-grade or high school studies. I’m going to make up some assignments just for you.”
    Mrs. Mast leaned back. After glaring at two of the older boys who were whispering to each other, she said, “I’m notexactly sure, to be honest. There are some personal things I need to take care of in addition to schoolwork, so I need to think about this for a little bit. But don’t worry, Lilly. We’re going to make this classroom the right fit for you. I want you happy here.”
    Lilly’s eyes teared up. It was something little, but it meant so much. Maybe, just maybe, she was going to finally fit in at school. And if that happened, she might have something good to grab ahold of.
    If she couldn’t have her parents anymore, she had to have something to hold on to.
    Immediately, Mrs. Mast looked distressed. “I’m so sorry, dear. You’ve been through so much and now I’m giving you even more to think about. I had hoped this would alleviate some worries, but I’m guessing it’s also a lot to take in.”
    â€œI’m fine.”
    Still studying her carefully, she lowered her voice. “You’re not fine. You know what? Why don’t you step outside and take a moment.”
    â€œI don’t want to go out there by myself.” Could there be anything worse than having the whole class know that she needed to take a break first thing in the morning?
    â€œI’ll go out there with her,” Peter volunteered.
    Both Mrs. Mast and Lilly started. “Peter,” Mrs. Mast said, “I didn’t see you standing there.”
    His attention still focused on Lilly, he shrugged. “I saw she was upset.”
    Mrs. Mast looked at him carefully. “Did you do your homework last night?”
    â€œSet it on my desk, then please take Lilly outside for ten minutes.”
    Lilly looked at her teacher in surprise.
    Mrs. Mast shrugged. “I’ve got a soft spot for that boy. He’s my nephew. And he’s almost done with school. He would be a good friend to you, Lilly.”
    For some reason, those words of kindness made her tear up all over again. “ Danke , Mrs. Mast,” she said.
    Just then, Peter set a pile of papers on his aunt’s desk, then smiled Lilly’s way. “Come on,” he said.
    As she followed Peter down the aisle between the desks and out the door, she tried not to catch anyone’s eye. It was bad enough that she could feel everyone’s attention on the two of them. She was certain that as soon as she got back to the room, Katie was going to ask her a hundred questions.
    Once they were outside, she breathed a sigh of relief. “ Danke , Peter. I really needed to get out of there.”
    â€œNo need to thank me. I’m always looking for a way to get out of class.” Glancing around, he said, “Come on.”
    She followed him down the school’s front steps, past the picnic tables, and finally to the swings. “You want to swing?” she asked.
    â€œNot particularly. But I don’t want to sit in front of the windows. Every person inside will watch us.”
    â€œI guess you have a point.” She sat down and curled her hands around the chain holding up the swing. “I can’t believe Mrs. Mast let us leave for a few minutes. My old teacher would’ve never let me do this.”
    â€œI’m not all that surprised. My aunt Rachel is really nice. And besides,

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