A Daughter for Christmas

A Daughter for Christmas by Margaret Daley

Book: A Daughter for Christmas by Margaret Daley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Margaret Daley
forgotten the benefits of working with a partner. Next week I’m going to a conference and he’s even taking over my homeschooling class. I did everything I could to warn him.” Kevin threw a glance at Taylor. “Very sharp students who ask a lot of questions. How’d you like your first week?”
    â€œIt was fine. Mom’s helping me with the home work.”
    Rachel had spent hours working with Taylor, especially on reading the material. The large, more difficult vocabulary gave her daughter trouble, but they were using flash cards to help with that.
    â€œGood, Taylor, but if there’s anything you need me to explain, stay after and ask me. I don’t have any patients after the class so I have the time.”
    â€œI can’t believe you take the time to do the class. This parent is very appreciative you do.”
    â€œIt was that or tell my sister no. Nancy is very persuasive.”
    Rachel was glad that Dr. Nancy Baker had talked her brother into teaching a science course because for the first time in a long while Taylor hadn’t put up a fight to learn the subject.
    Max returned to the table, bringing two plates. He set the second one out in the middle close to Taylor. “In case anyone else wants another piece.” He looked right at her daughter.
    Taylor beamed and slid the cake toward herself. “Thanks.”
    â€œUs chocolate lovers have to stick together.”
    â€œGranny would agree to that.” Taylor cut into the slice and brought it to her mouth, her eyes closing for a few seconds. “Aunt Jordan does make the best.”
    â€œCan I have everyone’s attention? I need all unmarried women gathered around me.” Granny waved her arms toward herself, standing in front of the serving table where the remnants of the three-tiered cake, nearly gone, remained.
    Rachel stayed in her chair, watching the other ladies weave their way through the crowd toward her grandmother.
    When there were twenty women surrounding Granny, she parted the group and looked right at Rachel. “That includes Rachel and Eileen. You two aren’t married. Hop to it. I don’t have all day. Every second counts for me.”
    Rachel groaned. She didn’t want to get up in front of everyone to vie for the bride’s bouquet. When she approached Granny, she said, “This is for ladies who have never been married.”
    â€œYeah, Mom.” Eileen leaned around Rachel. “I’m too old for this.”
    â€œOnly in your mind. Lighten up. Enjoy.”
    Granny shuffled back to the front of the group of women. “Okay, line up behind me and I’ll toss my flowers to the next person who will be getting married.”
    Rachel tried to sidle away, but Granny sent her a sharp look so she inched back to the edge of the crowd. Her grandmother turned around, brought her hand with the bouquet in it down, then raised it. Right before she released the flowers, she peeked over her shoulders and aimed it right at Rachel. She hadn’t intended to go for the bouquet, but it hit her square in the chest and on reflex she grabbed it before it fell to the floor.
    A cheer went up around her.
    Her mother patted her on her back. “Glad it was you, not me. I was afraid Granny had an agenda.”
    Yeah, one to embarrass me. The fragrance of the roses wafted to Rachel. Their scent brought back memories of her own wedding and marriage. She’d had a good one, so why was she afraid to get involved with a man? By the time she’d married Lawrence, she’d known him for two years. He’d been a mentor then a friend before she’d ever had any deeper feelings. She’d known Lawrence would never leave her willingly—like her father had.
    Granny slowly made her way to Rachel. “My aim isas good as ever. Some things peter out with age but for me not that.”
    â€œNor your interfering, Granny. I’m not on the market.” Rachel tried to put a

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