A Council of Betrayal
and it felt like
ages before I awoke, my eyes crusted shut and mouth parched.
    “You would do something as stupid as reveal
you can work magic in front of the Fae at a fucking Council
meeting?!” Garrick yelled at me, pacing.
    “Oh I'm sorry, did you want to end up the pet
of the Fae? I'm sure they would be glad to accept you,” I tried to
yell back, but it came out croaked. I rolled over to my side,
looking around with a haze over my eyes.
    Garrick continued to storm, pacing my
    “You’re fucking welcome, asshole,” I told him
as he threw up his hands and left.
    Turning, I watched Jerry quietly crushing
herbs into a paste.
    I could hear his agreement and lecture
coming. “Don't start, Jerry,” I warned.
    He shook his head sadly, memories of a past
before me playing before his eyes. “I understand, Olie.”
    With a huff I passed back out.
    Logan was at my bedside.
    I groaned, sitting up and rubbing my head.
“Did you move me?” I asked.
    “I did.”
    “Thanks,” I offered, squinting at him as I
pulled myself into a seated position.
    I could feel his annoyance at our earlier
parting. I sighed, rubbing the back of my head, swinging my legs
off the bed.
    He was silent, watching me closely.
    “Why did you run?”
    Alright, I could appreciate meeting this head
    I opened my mouth to brush it off as raging
hormones, but something in the intensity of his gaze stopped me. I
dropped my own to the floor, trying to organize my thoughts.
    “I need time, Logan,” I stated, forcing
myself to look at him with a shrug. “It’s your choice if you want
to give me that. As much as I am shocked to say it, I like you too,
but I’m not good at relationships. I’m not good at letting my
guards down. I’m really bad at trusting.”
    He nodded. “I’m relieved, I thought it had to
do with the baby.”
    I shook my head. “No, I love kids.”
    “But Lorraine—“
    “Will always be a pain in my ass and yours. I
can accept that easily enough.”
    He smiled at that. “I can wait, Olie.”
    I nodded with a tentative smile. When did we
get so mushy? Didn’t we dislike each other? Somewhere between The
Oracle and her prediction of our emotional attachment and him
having my back dealing with getting Blake’s niece back, our
relationship had changed. I was glad we weren’t sending hidden
decoder messages about it. There was a certain maturity in being
honest and open that I didn’t think I was capable of.
    Knocking at the door broke up our tender
moment. I scowled, turning to Jerry’s voice calling out, “Hey,
don’t forget you have that brothel thing tonight!”
    “I was out that long?” I groaned.
    Logan nodded. “The European Council has
disappeared and I rescheduled with Gretchen when we missed last
    I threw up my hands. “Will no one believe me
about the fucking Fae? Serves them right.”
    Logan stood, making his way to the door. I
adjusted my top, grabbing a hair tie and securing my hair into a
high pony tail.
    “Let’s go see the brothel!” I only staggered

Chapter 6
    Gretchen was outside, nervously pacing the length of the … hotel?
Brothel? Establishment? Hell, what was the right word?
    Logan pulled up to the front, handing the
keys to a valet.
    “You made it,” Gretchen announced.
    “Yep,” I agreed.
    “I didn’t think you’d come,” she
    I shrugged. “This is a great idea, if
properly managed. I see a lot of money in your future.”
    She nodded, regarding me starstruck.
    “Can we get a tour?” Logan asked as we stood
there waiting for her to recover.
    “Yes, of course. Please come in.” She took a
deep breath. “Welcome to The Lovely Lust.”
    The front of the building reminded me of a
prestigious high-rise apartment complex in downtown New York. A
doorman opened the glass doors for us under a red circular awning
with a discreet nod and no smile.
    The front desk had a well-groomed woman
behind it who greeted us with a warm, non-judgmental

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