A Clean Pair of Hands

A Clean Pair of Hands by Oscar Reynard

Book: A Clean Pair of Hands by Oscar Reynard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Oscar Reynard
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slowly reached up to hold Michel’s head in both hands, then after a few seconds of exquisite anticipation, jerked his head sharply sideways. Michel saw stars and fell back, dazed. Kozi got up from the desk, calmly tucked in her shirt, picked up his car keys and her jacket and bag, walked out of the office and drove home in Michel’s car.
    Michel couldn’t find a taxi driver willing to take him home, so had to travel by public transport and on foot. When eventually he arrived, he explained to Charlotte that he had had a minor car accident and hurt his neck. She wanted to take him to hospital for a check-up, but he took two paracetamol tablets and went to bed.
    The next day, Michel found his car parked outside the office where he had left it, but with the front caved in as if it had run into a tree, though the damage was not quite severe enough to immobilise the vehicle. The car was old and would have been too expensive to repair, so the insurance company treated it as a write off. There was no further discussion at home about the events at his office or the true fate of the car.
    The Liptov project was completed to everybody’s satisfaction, proving that Kozi bore no grudge.

Chapter Eleven
Friends and Contacts
    ‘Friends show their love in times of trouble, not in happiness.’
    Euripides, a great tragedian of classical Athens
    During another visit to Maisons-Lafitte one September, George Milton was strolling in the garden with Michel. They stopped at a magnificent tree about four metres high, with dark green leaves and covered in large white flowers.
    “I bet you a thousand francs you don’t know the name of that tree,” said Michel.
    “A thousand? That’s a lot of money. You must be very sure to offer that much.” George paused as if reflecting very deeply. Then, “OK, I’ll accept the bet if you are serious,” he said calmly, though his pulse rate was increasing and he felt sweat forming on the back of his head. This was a bet he could not afford to lose.
    “I am absolutely serious,” Assured Michel. “Well, what is it?”
    George paused for effect. Then, as the tension mounted, “It’s a Euchryphia Nymansensis from Chile, sometimes known as a leatherwood tree.”
    Michel bent nearly double holding his knees and reared up with an expression of disbelief on his face. At first George thought he was having a fit.
    “How did you know that?” He stepped towards the tree to check there was no label on it.
    “We’ve got one in our garden at home.” George did not mention that his Eucryphia was more than twice the height of this one.
    Michel was as good as his word, and that evening slipped an envelope containing one thousand francs into George’s pocket. Despite George’s protests the payment was unstoppable, though George used most of the money to fund their next restaurant outing on the top floor of a superb modern Japanese hotel overlooking the Seine.
    While the two men were still in the garden, a visitor strolled in through the front gates. Patrick Mastrolli was a good friend, Michel explained to George, as he greeted his visitor enthusiastically, and told him about George’s incredible arboratory knowledge. Patrick admitted he didn’t know the name of the tree, and soon lost interest in the subject.
    Michel explained that Patrick had progressed to a senior position in the French police where he spent a lot of time liaising with Interpol. Patrick spoke good English and like many in his profession was a cool customer. He asked questions, but his own answers were relatively brief and discreet. Michel left the two alone while he went into the house to get something. Mastrolli gave George his card, but explained that he spent much of his time abroad, so was not always contactable directly. George could not quite fathom why he might need to befriend a senior French police officer, especially as he usually aimed to drive within the speed limits, but he kept the card in case of need. When Michel

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