A Christmas Wish: Dane

A Christmas Wish: Dane by Liliana Hart

Book: A Christmas Wish: Dane by Liliana Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Liliana Hart
    The snow gleamed bright in the darkness under the full moon, but the shadows kept Dane MacKenzie well hidden. His adrenaline surged and his blood pumped at the realization that he might be caught, but that didn’t deter him from his quest.
    He left the cover of the barn and his boots sunk into the fresh snow—silent—as he approached the house. There would be more snow before morning—at least another foot or more—and even as he had the thought, white flakes drifted lazily from the sky.
    The ranch style house sprawled about fifty yards in front of him. The windows were dark except for the large picture window that displayed the Christmas tree—the colorful lights and the mishmash of ornaments like a beacon leading him toward his goal. Everyone was fast asleep. At least he hoped they were. Otherwise, he was about to look like the biggest kind of fool, and he’d have a hell of a lot of explaining to do.
    He didn’t feel the cold or the occasional flake that slithered do wn the collar of his jacket. Truth be told, he was so hot he was surprised the snow didn’t melt beneath his feet. It had been almost a week since he’d had Charlotte soft and begging beneath him, and desperate times called for desperate measures.
    Dane circled the house until he came to the French doors that led into the master bedroom. It wouldn’t do to scare her half to death and wake up Jayden or the ranch manager in the little house across the way. She’d take it out of his hide if he did. Charlotte had been known to throw things when she lost her temper. Just the thought of the fire in her emerald eyes when she got her back up was enough to have him going rock hard.
    He kicked the snow o ff his boots and moved across the wooden deck, his footsteps not making a whisper of sound. It hadn’t been so long since he’d been in life or death situations in the middle of civil wars or hostile territories that he’d forgotten how to move as if his life depended on it.
    His hand rested lightly on the doorknob, but before he could test it, the door opened on silent hinges and he tumbled into the room. A small, warm body clamped around him like a vise and he stumbled back against the wall.
    “It’s about damn time,” Charlotte whispered against his mouth. “I’ve been waiting forever.”
    Her teeth nipped at his bottom lip and her hands tangled in his hair. And then he somehow found his balance and he opened his mouth over hers. His fingers dug into her hips as their tongues mated. There was no gentleness here, only hot, clawing need.
    Charlotte moaned into his mouth , and he drank in her taste as she assaulted his senses. It happened every damn time. He kept waiting for the touch of her mouth against his to stop making his heart race and his blood pump through his veins, but each time they touched it was just as potent as the first time he’d taken her almost a dozen years before.
    His arms tightened around her, bringing her closer , so he could feel the very heat of her core pressed against the denim of his jeans. His tongue delved deep into her mouth and her fingernails bit into his shoulders.
    She was dressed in ugly flannel pajamas that looked like they’d had a lot of years behind them, but he didn’t care. His hands roamed over her soft curves and he knew she wasn’t wearing anything beneath the threadbare flannel. The temptation was enough to drive a man crazy.
    He was about thirty seconds from ripping the pajamas from her body and plunging into the gripping wet heat of her when he remembered they weren’t alone in the house, and that there were rules to be followed for Jayden’s sake.
    He broke the kiss, but didn’t put her down. “Get a hold of yourself, woman,” he managed to get out, his voice raspy with desire. “What about the rules?”
    Her laugh was long and low and pure sex, and his eyes almost rolled back in his head when her hot little hand slipped into the front of his jeans and wrapped around his cock.

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