A Child of a CRACKHEAD II by Shameek Speight

Book: A Child of a CRACKHEAD II by Shameek Speight Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shameek Speight
and watched him choke on his own blood. Their eyes met as Mike dug in his pocket and pulled out his switchblade and flicked it open. “You wanted to hurt my family?” he yelled and began to swing hard and fast with all his might. The knife went in and out of the gunmen cutting and stabbing him. The gunmen jerked and shook as his body slid more to the floor. His eyes never left Mikes and his last thought was ‘I’ve been killed by the devil’ as his body jerked up and down and he died. Mike seen the man was no longer moving, but that still didn’t stop his rage. He now had both of his hands locked on his knife and raised it high above his head and was coming all the way down with full force repeatedly. “You tried to hurt my family! Die!
    Die!” he screamed.
    Michael and Envy stood there mesmerized at what they were seeing. “Mike stop! Stop!” both of them yelled, but it was as if he was in another world and couldn’t hear them. Michael jumped out the shower followed by Envy. The more he stabbed the more blood splattered on him and everywhere else. Michael grabbed him from behind and lifted him up. “Stop, Mike, calm down! Stop!” Mike continued to swing and wiggle around almost stabbing Michael. Michael had to drop him.
    “Mike, stop now!” Envy yelled as loud as she could. He turned around and looked at her and Michael with a deranged look in his eyes with the knife in one hand and breathing hard. Then the look vanished as fast as it came.
    “I’m sorry Envy. I couldn’t help it. What’s wrong with me?” he said with tears in his voice and he dropped the knife and began to cry. “You and Michael are mad at me now and you’re going to send me away now,” he started to cry even harder looking at them both.
    Envy didn’t know what to make of the whole situation. She had two dead men on her bathroom floor and a ten year old child that was now covered in blood from stabbing a man to death and now crying.
    Michael threw Envy a towel and she wrapped it around her body as he did the same with another towel. He bent down and looked at Mike in the eyes. So much of the boy reminded him of himself, even from the way he just blacked out and lost control. “Don’t cry we’re not going to send you away. We are your family now,” Michael replied as he hugged Mike and he hugged him back.
    He picked him up and walked out of the bathroom and his room and down the hall to Mike’s room. “Listen, stop crying, Mike. Everything is alright now. You did good. You have to learn how to control your anger and yourself from blacking out.”
    “But I can’t. I don’t even know when it’s happening. I just don’t feel like myself or it feel good. I can’t stop,” Mike replied with tears in his eyes rolling down his face.
    “I understand. I black out the same way.
    But I recently learned how to have some control over it. You have to think of everyone you have and all the good things in life and all the good you have to do.” Mike began to shake his head up and down.
    “I’ll try.”
    “Do more than try. Do it every time it happens.”
    “Do you think Envy is mad at me?”
    “No, she’s not mad at you. She just not use to all this. But she will be ok. Now, I need you to wash up and get some clean clothes and put them on. Put the bloody clothes in a black garbage bag and bring them to me. I would ask you for the knife that you always carrying around, but I have a feeling that you won’t part with it.” As soon as Michael said those words, Mike put his hands behind his back to hide the knife. “I see I got my answer. Ok, you can keep it. I have a thing for a knife too. But clean it up with some bleach really good. I’ll be back in a half an hour. I’m going to tend to Envy alright.”
    “Ok,” Mike replied and wiped his tears that was mixed with blood.
    Michael went into the bedroom. Envy was fully dressed with her hands buried in the palm of her face sniffing and sobbing. He sat down on the bed next to her

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