A Change of Fortune
Jen. He’ll never find you. My family don’t know where I am to this day, and it’s been three years since I left home.’
    ‘Of course he won’t.’ She took a deep breath to steady her racing heart. ‘It gave me a fright, that’s all.’
    ‘This is Brighton, so let’s forget everything and just enjoy ourselves, shall we?’ Edna gave her an encouraging smile.
    ‘You’re right. I’m being silly to let it bother me after all this time.’
    Once out of the station they made for the beach, eager to get to the sea.
    ‘Oh, isn’t that lovely!’ Edna gazed out to sea with a rapt expression on her face. ‘Just smell that. Come on, let’s have a paddle.’
    They sat down and removed their shoes and stockings, and, clutching them in their hands, walked gingerly over the pebbles to the water’s edge. They gave a little squeal as the cold water splashed over their bare feet.
    Jenny closed her eyes and lifted her face to the sun, enjoying its warmth, and listening to the soothing sound of gentle waves as they tumbled on to the beach. The tension she was feeling after seeing the newspaper seeped away. A larger wave hit her and she opened her eyes, looking down at her wet legs. Sand and tiny pebbles were swirling around her toes, tickling her andmaking her laugh. As the wave rushed back, the undertow sucked the silt from under her feet, throwing her off balance.
    ‘Whoops!’ Edna caught her, laughing. ‘Let’s get some fish and chips. I’m starving. We can have another paddle before we have to go back to London.’
    The rest of the day was fun. After lunch they walked along the pier, hanging over the rails at the very end to gaze out to sea. Just before they had to catch their train they paddled again. Their feet were still wet when they put their stockings and shoes back on, but they didn’t care. They’d had a really lovely day.
    They arrived back at six o’clock, flushed with a day in the open air and very happy. However, as soon as they walked in the kitchen Jenny knew by the grim expressions that something had happened.
    ‘What’s wrong?’ Edna asked.
    Cook checked on her roast in the oven, then said, ‘We’ve had a dreadful day. Madam found that two of her snuffboxes were missing from the collection. All our rooms were searched and they were found under the new housemaid’s mattress. She’s been dismissed.’
    Jenny’s heart hammered.
    ‘We was all searched.’ Mrs Peters looked very put out. ‘In all my years of service I’ve never been so humiliated.’
    ‘Jenny!’ The housekeeper appeared in the doorway. ‘You are to go up to see Mr and Mrs Stannard immediately.’
    ‘Why, what have I done?’ She gripped the edgeof the table to steady herself. If they’d searched her case …
    ‘The master will tell you. Quickly, take off your hat and coat.’
    Jenny thrust them at Edna and then ran to catch up with Mrs Douglas, who was making for the library.
    As soon as she stepped through the door Jenny knew that her security had vanished. Spread across a small table were the beautiful lace and beaded dress and the diamond and emerald pendant that her father had given to her. Not the kind of things a maid would own. She had been foolish to bring the dress, and she should have kept the pendant round her neck, but she’d been afraid of losing it by the seaside.
    ‘You have heard about the thefts?’ Mr Stannard didn’t waste any time.
    ‘Yes, sir.’ She clasped her hands tightly to stop them shaking.
    ‘A thorough search was made for the missing items and these were found in your suitcase. We want to know how you came by such expensive items.’
    ‘They are mine. I didn’t steal them.’ She knew that was not an acceptable answer, but she couldn’t explain. Her eyes filled with tears as she reached out to touch the beautiful dress. It held such lovely memories. ‘I didn’t steal them, sir,’ she whispered. ‘They do belong to me.’
    ‘I think that most unlikely!’
    ‘My dear.’ His

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