A Case of Love

A Case of Love by Wendy Stone

Book: A Case of Love by Wendy Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Wendy Stone
over at her husband, seeing the pained red expression upon his and narrowed her eyes. “He told me that Hawk gets all the fun while my poor little Ang gets stuck sitting in the van picking his nails. So what kind of fun was he talking about?"
    "Uh...” Mac looked up at Hawk who was grinning over at Ang, who looked decidedly uncomfortable. “It was mostly a very stress filled situation. I didn't think I'd live through it until Hawk managed to whisper to me that the cops would be there soon."
    "I read your article, you really made the police look good.” She reached out and hugged Ang's arm. “Not many reporters do that with the police. They seem fixated upon making them look bad, or dirty."
    "I probably would have ended up dead that day if it hadn't been for Hawk,” Mac said, glancing up at him as she spoke. “Jimmy had just found my press identification card. He'd never have let me leave knowing what I had learned that night."
    "Ah, gratitude, that's what you're doing out here with him,” Ang said, chuckling as Hawk gave him a dirty look.
    "No, gratitude is what got him into my apartment at three a.m. the morning of the raid.” She ran her hand over Hawk's hand, twining her fingers with his. “He just doesn't take no for an answer,” she said rolling her eyes.
    "Hey!” Hawk exclaimed, his voice turning to a deep growl. “Watch it woman."
    "See me shaking?” Mac teased.
    "So what are you two doing?” Carla asked, grinning at their play.
    "Well, we were on our way back to...Unh,” he grunted as Mac's elbow smacked into his ribs. He turned and glared at her, even as she pasted a sweet smile upon her lush mouth.
    "Back into town to get dinner,” she finished for him. “He rushed me out here without feeding me."
    "You should try that new pasta place on Fifth Street. They have the best antipasto salad I've ever had,” Carla said, grabbing Ang's hand. “It was nice meeting you, Mac. Hawk, you should bring her by sometime for dinner. I'd love to get to know her better. Come on Ang, you have to win me a stuffed animal,” she said, yanking on his arm and sending Hawk a conspiratorial smile.
    "I knew I liked that woman,” he said, as they headed for the parking lot.
    "Why's that?” Mac asked, distracted.
    "She always knows when to end a conversation. Hey,” he called, as she started to walk by his car. “Earth to Mackenzie, are you here or in orbit?"
    "Oh, sorry,” she smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes.
    "You aren't having second thoughts, are you?” he asked, backing her up so that she was between his body and the car door.
    "Well...” she trailed off when she saw his eyes and the look of heat that he tried to hide behind a concerned mien. “It's just...” she shrugged.
    His hand rubbed gently at her waist and he moved just a touch closer, addicted to the feel of her heat and the curves of her body against him. “We don't have to do anything, Mac. I'll take you home, or out to dinner if you want. I'd just...I'd love to hold you tonight if nothing more.” He lifted his hand, sliding his fingers down over her cheek, his thumb rubbing gently at the softness of her skin. “You've gotten in here,” he said, thumping his head with his finger, then his chest, “and in here and I don't want to do anything that would change the way things are going with us."
    "Even if I were to tell you that my nosy cousin Dillon, might come out here and give you the third degree?” she teased, relaxing as his words made her feel so warm inside.
    "Should I be afraid?” he smirked, as he bent his head and kissed her gently.
    "Oh yes,” she whispered, when he lifted his head. “You should be very afraid.” She pulled his mouth back down, loving the gentleness he was showing her, the care. “I also have two cousins married to Feds,” she teased.
    He dropped his hands, backing away with a look of horror on his face. “No!” he exclaimed, holding his hands up and crossing his fingers like a crucifix. “Anything but

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