A Cage of Roots

A Cage of Roots by Matt Griffin

Book: A Cage of Roots by Matt Griffin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Matt Griffin
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were relieved. Fergus only really wanted to fight with his fists, for fun, and Taig cared more about music and women than any battle (although he was good at all of them). We spent a few years wandering, avoiding trouble. I found some land and we threw down some roots. Fergus and I both found wives, but neither of us were blessed with children. That turned out to be a gift. We thought our days would end like this. We were happy.’
    He put a log onto the flames and they grasped it hungrily. Finny blinked against the sudden brightness.
    ‘Of course we knew about magic things, and magic people. The elders of Fal were probably the only people we feared. They were called the “Old Ones” by us normal men. But we stayed clear of anything to do with magic or the magical realm: it only ever led to trouble.’
    In the fire’s dancing light, Lann told Finny the long tale of a conniving queen, Maeve, and her lover, and her power with evil magic. He explained how the Old Ones had imprisoned Maeve and her lover deep underground, forever.
    The big man trailed off into silence. For a long time the only noise was the snap of wood being devoured by the fire. Eventually, he continued, ‘Why the Old Ones chose us to sort it out, we still don’t know. But they did, and there was no refusing them. There was an unborn girl, still in the womb, and she was to be protected at all costs. She alone had the power to free Maeve and her consort.’
    ‘Ayla?’ Finny asked.
    ‘Yes, lad,’ Lann answered. ‘The old ones had used all of their power to send the girl away from trouble, to be reborn again, in another time. It was our task to wait for her and when she came, to keep her safe. It was a heavy burden. Our lives passed those of our loved ones. Everyone we knew died, and then everyone we came to know over the centuries died too.’
    ‘Couldn’t you just come back? I mean through the gates? To be with your wives again?’
    ‘No, these gates are not always open. There are rules which must be obeyed. They had to be opened for us. The most powerful Old Ones – those who had fought and banished Maeve – they paid a heavy price for their victory. They had to leave their mortal bodies and become spirits. But even in their exile, they still hold great influence: it was they who Cathbad called on to open the gates and let us through.’
    ‘Cathbad? Who’s Cathbad?’
    Finny noticed the corners of Lann’s mouth twitch. It was the first time he had ever seen Ayla’s grim uncle even come close to a smile.
    ‘He’s your principal, Fr Shanlon. He’s no priest, lad. Even I’m only a fraction as old as that man. And he’s not to be messed with – but I gather you know that much.’
    The grin broadened, but only briefly.
    Finny could only manage a ‘ What? ’ before swallowing the wrong way in his shock, and fighting to regain his breath.
    After a bout of hacking, he just managed to ask, hoarsely: ‘ The Streak ? The Streak? He’s one of these “old ones”?!’
    He fell backwards into the wet grass and started to laugh.
    ‘Oh. My. God. This is just mental.’
    Lann placed the last log on the fire. ‘I think that is enough for now. You should sleep. We have a long road ahead, and you will need all of your strength.’
    Finny stopped laughing and sat up again.
    ‘What can we do here? I mean, I want to find Ayla, more than anything, but … Why do you need us? It seems like you could have done this yourselves, being warriors and all.’
    ‘Sleep, lad!’ was all Lann said, in that tone to which there was no answer but silence.
    Finny couldn’t sleep a wink, but lay still, staring at thenumberless stars, his head a storm of questions.

    Benvy was only stopped from a fall of two hundred metres by Taig’s hand grasping her arm. For a moment, his eyes looked down into hers and he held her there, frowning, before hauling her back up.
    ‘Careful, young lady,’ he said, as Benvy swallowed hard and let out a short shriek.
    She had blacked

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