A Bride Worth Fighting For
this time with deep, sure thrusts of his tongue.
    Moaning against his mouth, she wrapped her arms around him under his shirt to rub her hands over his smooth, solid back. His groin pressed thick and hard against her pelvis through their clothing. Panting, she tore her mouth from him. “I want to feel you without our clothes between us.”
    “I can’t believe you left the Haus to find me.” He lifted himself away from her, the cool air and smell of damp grass invading her senses as he stripped away his clothes.
    Leaving the light and safety of her room to go to him had been nothing compared to how far he’d gone to help her rediscover herself. Now they would make love outside, immersed in nature, where he truly came alive.
    The anticipation sent another flare through her body. She sat up high enough to peel off her sweatshirt and tank top and then lay down, naked from the waist up, trembling not with cold but with need.
    “You can change your mind,” he assured her.
    “Not going to happen.” She pulled him on top of her. Absorbing his heat and his weight, she sighed with pleasure. She could hold him like this all night. Desire pooled in her core. No, she couldn’t. She needed more. She needed all of him.
    He scooted downward, tasting her breasts and her navel while he skimmed off her pajama pants and underwear with his large, calloused hands. His arousal rubbed against her thigh, tightening the ache deep inside her.
    “Yes, please.” She lifted her hips for him, but he didn’t enter her. Instead, he dipped his head lower and glided his tongue over her clit.
    He teased her with such glorious heat and pleasure, but she needed more. She opened her knees wider. “Yes. Tucker. Taste me. Suck me.”
    He slid his fingers over her slick opening and then delved his tongue inside.
    She grabbed at him, needing to pull him deeper into her, to keep him close so he’d never stop his loving seduction.
    With each kiss and stroke, she trembled and gasped, the orgasm building and taking on a life of its own. He lifted his head and positioned himself above her. With one long, sure thrust, he drove inside, and she convulsed, bucking against him.
    “Tucker,” she cried, wrapping her legs around his waist.
    He covered her mouth with his. She tasted him, her own desire, and the natural world surrounding them all at once. She kissed him hard in return, meeting him thrust for thrust, their bodies creating a rhythm for the rest of nature to follow. Even the waves from the lake lapped the shore in time to them.
    And then her world narrowed to Tucker. His heavy breathing and rapid heartbeat filled her ears. His cock plunged into her, caressing her sweet spot of pleasure, over and over. Gwen and Tucker. Tucker and Gwen. And the two shall become one. Forever and ever.
    Her muscles spasmed. He shuddered against her. They fell apart together, into each other, joining in sheer bliss and ultimate connection.
    She had no idea how long they lay joined before Tucker rolled to the side and spooned his body around hers. Then she slept, warm, safe, and utterly content in her fiancé’s arms.
    In the morning, she opened her eyes to the blinding rays of sun. Next to her, Tucker finished lacing his boots and stood. Her head still on the pillow, she eyed his lean, hard body and relived the delicious memories of last night.
    Last night only.

Chapter Twelve
    Gwen pulled the blanket over her shoulder and rose on one elbow as the truth crashed down on her. “We never did this before, did we?”
    With his back to her, Tucker’s body stiffened. He turned slowly, his gaze inscrutable. “What are you talking about?”
    “Sex.” He might not want to talk about it, but she refused to ignore the facts. She’d come to the Wiccan Haus for answers. She’d come to him last night to trigger her memories. “Why didn’t we have sex if we were engaged?”
    He dragged his hand through his hair, tousling the long honey-blond strands into complete disarray.

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