A Bedtime Story

A Bedtime Story by L.C. Moon

Book: A Bedtime Story by L.C. Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: L.C. Moon
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     feeling she couldn’t shake. She kept replaying the scene from the previous night.
     Kayne had seemed weird, troubled. Closing her eyes, she thought back to his embrace,
     his reassuring caresses, his gentle voice… how safe they made her feel. She shook
     her head and forced her eyes open. When Olga tapped at her door, it was around five.
     She was surprised at the random visit but welcomed the interruption.
    “Sorry to disturb you, Miss Spencer, Master Kayne wanted me to
     inform you to meet him at seven in the living room… He said to dress formally… and
     to fix your hair and makeup,” she finished, slightly uncomfortable giving such
     instructions. With a warm smile, she added, “I can help you if you like.”
    “So, no supper tonight?”
    “I’m not sure what Master Kayne planned for supper. He didn’t ask
     me to prepare anything.”
    “Okay, thank you, Olga.”
    “Well, please let me know if I can be of assistance,” she offered
     again before leaving.
    Laura was unsure what to make of this, wondered what he had in
     store for her. She headed back to her room and decided to take a long bath. She
     unconsciously began to shave herself, stopping at the realization, wondering why she
     was even doing it. It was such a meaningless action and yet so full of implication. To shave or not to shave , THAT was the question, to every girl anyway.
     She shaved her legs and armpits. Those were innocent enough, considering the request
     for formal wear. When she finished, she lingered, the blade resting below her belly
     button. The questionbegged to be asked, did she somehow hope he
     would see her, there …? Her inner voice responded with an emphatic NO ,
     she had become completely delirious. She immediately got up and stepped out of the
     bathtub. However, on her way out of the bathroom, she couldn’t help sneaking a quick
     peek in the mirror. The regrowth was still minor, she was shamefully glad to notice.
     She opted for a seamless pink bikini and matching cotton push-up bra. She rummaged
     through the walk-in closet indecisively. Although she didn’t want to look like she
     tried too hard, she couldn’t look like she hadn’t tried enough. She settled on a
     pair of skinny black pants, a beige silk camisole, and a matching fitted jacket. She
     found some black stilettos at the bottom of the closet and threw them on. She was no
     fashion expert by any means and looked at herself in the mirror, unsure. She thought
     she looked nice enough and turned her attention to the vanity. She straightened her
     hair and stuck to earthy tones for eye shadow, opting for a natural look. At six
     thirty she was ready, half an hour too early. She paced around in her room,
     constantly looking at the clock, half apprehensive, half excited. Maybe he was
     taking her out? Why else would he ask her to do all this? But then again, he didn’t
     even let her out in the gated front yard. She highly doubted he was taking her to a
     five-star restaurant. She kept speculating, unable to come up with any logical
    A few minutes before the clock struck seven, Laura took a big
     breath as she left her room. She realized she was anxious to see his reaction. He
     had never seen her dressed up… since that first night, she reminded herself, when he
     took her.
    Kayne was sitting on the couch, dressed in a formal black suit, his
     hair slicked back, a glass of whiskey in his hand. He was staring at an invisible
     spot on the wall, consumed with thought, and didn’t notice her come in. There was a
     large box on the table, gift wrapped with a ribbon, the kind that fancy stores used.
     She stood in the corner and cleared her throat to get his attention. Only his eyes
     moved toward her. His brows lifted upon seeing her, and he leaned his head slightly
     back as if he was surprised with what hesaw. He then nodded slowly a
     few times in approval. She blushed but smiled at him, happy with his reaction.

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