
9781618857835FrozenFuryBeckNC by Paloma Beck Page B

Book: 9781618857835FrozenFuryBeckNC by Paloma Beck Read Free Book Online
Authors: Paloma Beck
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before he felt her twitch and drift off to sleep. There was
nothing but their damp, clammy skin between them. He couldn’t think of anything
better than this moment. He didn’t deserve such happiness.
    “ Ti amo ,”
he whispered into her hair. “ Ti amo , mi Amelia .”
    Gage wanted to beat his
chest and shout from the mountaintops when he heard the soft sigh of
satisfaction from his mate. All his instincts to protect and care for someone
surfaced as he drank in his mate’s body entwined with his. She belonged to him
now. Goddess, she truly was his.
    * * * *
    “It’s nice to have the seamstress here this afternoon to adjust the
dress. You’re a bit more petite than I was when I had my Pronouncement,” Chiara
told her.
    Amelia stood in the three-fold mirror admiring the heirloom. She was so
happy to be wearing her mother’s gown. As the eldest daughter, it was an honor.
This gown went as far back as four generations and was made from the finest
Italian laces. The regal red was nearly purple and it shimmered with timeless
    With the worry over Sadie still hanging over them, the day was far from perfect
though. Amelia just continued to pray Sadie would be back in time for her
Pronouncement in two days. She didn’t want to have it without each of her
sisters present and she worried, despite what Gage told her, about the rescue
mission to bring Sadie home. By simple deduction, Amelia knew the goal of the
group they believe took Sadie would be to kill her. It was the only sure way to
keep the prophecy from coming true. Goddess, she couldn’t think of that
    Davina, Gage’s sister, left the sitting area where the other women
talked and walked over to her. “She’ll be home in time.”
    Amelia looked at Davina with a raised brow.
    Davina shrugged. “I know things. Sometimes.” She seemed embarrassed. “Anyway, I wanted you to know that she’ll be home.”
    “How?” Amelia wasn’t sure how to finish her question. She didn’t know what to
    “I don’t know. It’s just something that began happening when I turned
the age of maturity. I don’t like to talk about it or people will think I’m a
freak but this time, I wanted you to know.”
    Amelia stepped towards Davina, drew her into an embrace and thanked her.
“Thank you so much for telling me. I won’t speak of it to anyone else.” Amelia
owed her this promise for the gift she’d just given her.
    Davina nodded and then smiled a mischievous grin. “Want to know another
    “Maybe,” Amelia answered, uncertain.
    “Your niece will be at your Pronouncement too.” Davina winked and walked
over to talk with Gracie, leaving Amelia both stunned and excited by the news.
A giggle escaped and caught everyone’s attention.
    “Sorry,” Amelia looked sheepishly, “Just getting excited seeing the
    “So, you’re excited now? We weren’t sure how it was going for you and
Gage and you hadn’t said much.” Eloise asked.
    “It’s good.” Amelia blushed.
    “How good?” Gemma asked.
    Paige hit Gemma with her shoulder. “Knock it off. It’s personal and
you’re embarrassing her.”
    “Still, he shoots you and then you find out he’s your mate. That had to
be a good story.” Eloise said. “You have to be laughing at it now. I just want
to know how much you made him work for it after that major mistake.”
    The seamstress told Amelia she was done and could take off the dress
whenever she was ready. She packed her things away and left the room. Amelia
would’ve been happy to do the same thing given the line of questioning.
    “Come on, just tell us a little. We want to know all about Madden’s
little brother.” Gemma went on. “He’s the playful one. Is he still? Like, in
    “Enough,” Layla interjected.
    “Yes, dear Goddess, I can’t listen to talk like this about my brother,”
Davina chimed in. That brought giggles around the room.
    “My daughters, I’m afraid you will be like this

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