4 Under Siege

4 Under Siege by Edward Marston

Book: 4 Under Siege by Edward Marston Read Free Book Online
Authors: Edward Marston
    ‘Then they must release him in time. How is he being treated?’
    ‘The food is poor but at least they are leaving him alone. They no longer question him every day. Guillaume says that they are more interested in the siege than in him.’
    ‘So you were able to talk to him freely?’
    ‘Yes, Monsieur Borrel,’ she replied. ‘I told him about you and he agreed that you could be trusted.’
    ‘Did you put those questions of mine to him?’
    ‘I did.’
    ‘Was he able to help me in any way?’
    ‘I’m not sure. Guillaume says that only old documents are likely to be in the town hall. There’s a room where the archives are kept. It’s on the first floor at the back of the building.’
    ‘That sounds promising,’ said Daniel. ‘What else did he tell you?’
    ‘The only time you could get in there is after dark. Guillaume said that the best way would be through one of the attic rooms but you’d have to be able to climb.’
    ‘I’ve had plenty of practice at that.’
    ‘Be careful, Monsieur. There are guards outside the main door and a nightwatchman is on patrol inside the building until dawn.’
    ‘Thanks for the warning.’
    ‘As for the other things you wanted to know,’ she continued, ‘Guillaume was not really able to help. He has no idea where plans of any new fortifications are kept. But he did have one suggestion.’
    ‘What was that?’
    ‘Talk to the men who are building them. Guillaume says that it’s not being left only to soldiers. They’re getting people from the town to do the digging as well. My husband is the only person still kept under lock and key. The others were all released to work on the defences.’
    ‘Thank you,’ said Daniel. ‘That’s worth knowing.’
    Bette Lizier stepped back and studied him quizzically.
    ‘May I ask you a question now?’ she said.
    ‘Please do.’
    ‘How long have you been married?’
    ‘Not very long,’ he said, evasively.
    ‘I rather think it is not at all.’
    Daniel was curious. ‘Why do you say that?’
    ‘Rachel is a good woman and she’s been a wonderful help to me but she’s not the wife you’d choose, Monsieur. She looks as if she’s married to you but you don’t look as if you’re married to her.’
    ‘We’re travelling as man and wife, that’s all I can say.’
    ‘Forgive me for being so nosy.’
    ‘Not at all, Madame,’ said Daniel. ‘You have sharp eyes. And so, I should tell you, does Raymond. During our tour of the town, he was very useful. He obviously takes after you.’
    ‘He thought you were an impostor. I sensed that you were not.’
    ‘What else did you sense?’
    She gave a quiet smile. ‘That would be telling, Monsieur.’ She heard raucous laughter from the bar. ‘Rachel has been in there far too long. Perhaps it’s time for me to relieve your wife.’
    ‘Leave her be,’ said Daniel. ‘She’s enjoying every moment.’
    It was late when the customers finally left the conviviality of the Coq d’Or and rolled off to their homes or their billets. Daniel and Raymond helped the women to clear up in the bar. It was extraordinary how much debris a few dozen people could create. The first thing that Daniel did was to open the windows to get rid of the smell of tobacco and cooked food. The fug gradually cleared. When everything had been put away in readiness for the morrow, the candles were snuffed out and they all retired upstairs.
    Having had several drinks bought for her by customers, Rachel was in high spirits. She tripped up the stairs with the eagerness of a young bride on the first night of her honeymoon. Daniel lingered in the passageway outside their bedroom so that she would have ample time to change into her nightdress. Before he entered the room, he first tapped politely on the door.
    ‘There’s no need for you to knock,’ said Rachel, sitting up in bed. ‘We’re husband and wife, after all.’
    ‘Not when we’re alone like this,’ he corrected.
    ‘Do I look so hideous to

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