3013: Targeted

3013: Targeted by Susan Hayes

Book: 3013: Targeted by Susan Hayes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Hayes
Tags: mmmm
considering moving into yours and Hawke’s quarters for the next while.”
    His fingers slowed in their ministrations, the pressure easing until his touch was more of a caress. “You already told us you wouldn’t do that.”
    “I’ve been reconsidering,” she admitted.
    “I’m glad to hear it. Your safety is important to us—to me.” His hands stilled, fingers resting on either side of her throat just below her ears. Only his fingertips were still moving, tracing tiny circles over her skin.
    “Why?” She knew the answer already, but if they were going to continue down this path, if the three of them had any chance of moving beyond their bumpy start, then they needed to be honest with each other about everything.
    Brandt moved in close behind her, near enough she could feel his body heat warming her skin. “Because since the day you marched into this office and started snarling at Hawke, I haven’t been able to get you off my mind. You are fascinating, beautiful, and intelligent, and as an added bonus, you have no problem telling Hawke off when he needs it. I’ve never met anyone like you, T’karra, and I’d like to get to know you better. Much better.”
    “No more lies?”
    “No more lies,” he vowed and his lips touched her cheek. It was a brief, gentle kiss, but it was like a spark tossed into a pool of jet fuel, triggering a firestorm of needs and desires the likes of which she’d never felt before. Stars, she wanted him to kiss her again.
    A rueful chuckle rose from her throat, and she lifted her hands to cover his where they rested on her shoulders. “It might be argued the last thing I should be considering is getting involved with anyone, given someone has drawn a target on my back.”
    Brandt hadn’t intended for the conversation to go this way, not so soon, but when she’d asked him why they wanted to protect her, he’d known only the truth would do. “When have you ever known the universe to provide the things we want at the perfect moment? Usually, opportunities appear when you already have too much shit to cope with, which is why we let chances slip by. I’ve had my share of missed opportunities and regrets. I don’t intend for you to be one of them.”
    She was still for a moment, though he could feel her pulse beating beneath his fingers, a faint flutter that raced fast enough he knew she’d been affected by his words. Then she turned her head so their mouths were only a few inches apart. “I—”
    Whatever she was going to say was cut off by the electronic hum of the door opening and then Hawke walked into the office, drawing both their attention. “I didn’t get much out of our suspect but …” He trailed off as he took in what was happening. He stopped just inside the door, which closed behind him, sealing the three of them off from the rest of the world. “Just so I’m clear what I’m looking at, are you about to choke her, or kiss her?”
    “Neither. Brandt was helping to ease my stiff neck, that’s all,” T’karra muttered, her skin darkening beneath Brandt’s fingers where they still lingered at her throat.
    Hawke cocked a brow and smirked. “Uh huh. He’s given me a few of his patented neck massages of his over the years, and not once did it look like what you two are doing.”
    “You should have knocked,” Brandt ground out each word from between his teeth.
    “Believe me, next time, I’ll call ahead,” Hawke muttered, not moving from where he stood.
    Brandt saw the doubt in his friend’s eyes, and it stunned him. Hawke was always sure of himself. Hell, the man was cocky, even when he had no right to be, but at this moment, he looked lost. T’karra had done the impossible. She’d made Hawke Summers doubt himself for a second. If she could do that, then Hawke had been right. She was the woman they’d been looking for.
    Now, they just had to keep her alive long enough for her to forgive them.
    T’karra saw a flash of vulnerability in Hawke’s eyes as

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