To everybody who downloaded my first book, thank you. You’ve all helped keep me motivated enough to write this second collection of poetry so soon and also I have recently started to write a story which will be an exciting challenge for me as it has been a while since I’ve attempted to do so.
‘20Seven’ to me is a lot darker than my previous book ‘An Introduction To Marc D Brown’ as that was more of a look into the way I think and the type of things that run through my head: it was the most honest introduction I could have given.
‘20Seven’ is more in depth and I hoped to have pushed some of my own boundaries and I hope it reads that way to you. Yet again the book does involve certain aspects of my life but many other pieces are just based on my thoughts and topics that the masses think about, or have to deal with in life.
I chose to call the book ‘20Seven’ because this year (2012) I’ve reached the age that some of my idols died, 27, and it really made me reflect on my past and look towards my future. When you’re a kid 27 seems forever away, it sounds old but now I’m here I just feel the way I did when I was 16. When I’ve talked to older people they feel the same too, they still feel the same as they did in their minds as they did when they were 16-18, hearing that from people definitely dispersed my fears of growing old.
I’m happy to know that , inside, I’ll still be the same laid back daft kid I was back then.
I hope you enjoy reading my second collection of poetry.
This is ‘20Seven’.
A Prayer For The Realist
The Silver Tongue Stops
Wreck Of A Sun
Strangers Online
Monday Morning
Feast From A Kill
A Colourful Creation
A Falling Star
A Disaster Unfolds
Blank Stares & Crooked Smiles
Family Ties
Apparent Victory
It’s Time That Lets Me Down
The Note
The Riddle
The Office
The Most Beautiful Thing
A Portrait Of Disaster
Lover-Boy Butcher
Tapped Out
It’s Not The Falling That Kills You!
The Anchor
No Rest For The Wicked
The Local Dealers
God Only Exists In Man(How I See It)
A Tongue Full Of Bullets
Lifes Own Style Of Water Torture
A Note In My Diary
Just A Thought
I’m Bored
The Fraud
A Blind Desire Deemed To Fail Again
No More
Love Hurts
The Big Climax
The Ghost Inside Me
Not What It Seems
Not The Right Way
The Recipient
Feel Love
I’m Still Waiting
...It’s Complicated
Closer To Me
Take A Load Off
Can’t Rely On Time
That Lasting Battle We Call Life
Tune In
A Prayer For The Realist
Have faith in me my child!
For I am the one who holds the key.
Have faith in me my child!
Your sins are forgiven, you are now free.
Have faith in me my child!
For I am the one, the mystery.
Have faith in me my child!
I am the almighty and not a being.
My faith is lost oh lord!
How can I believe in what I can’t see?
My faith is lost oh lord!
If you exist then why do we bathe in misery?
My faith is lost oh lord!
Your church is built on foundations of hypocrisy.
My faith is lost oh lord,
and you are nothing but a theory I refuse to believe.
My faith is lost lord!
I’ve grown up and I accept that this is all there is.
The Silver Tongue Stops
The only sound in my ear tonight
is your voice.
Burning out until the morning light,
I sit and wait and wonder.
Do you really have any clue?
Any idea of the time
Ramsey Campbell
Ava Armstrong
Jenika Snow
Susan Hayes
A.D. Bloom
Robert Wilde
Mariah Stewart
Maddy Edwards
Don Pendleton
Sulari Gentill