(2012) Colder Than Death
Gretchen. The girl left without looking at me, but Viper turned and waved good-bye mouthing the word “Later.”
    Quilla and Gretchen talked quietly for a few seconds, hugged, then Quilla walked her to the door, holding it open for her. Quilla closed the door, noticed me and came over.
    “Do you know who she is?”
    “Gretchen Yearwood. We met before.”
    “I know, but do you know who she is?” There was a smugness in her tone, as if I was supposed to be impressed that she knew Gretchen Yearwood.
    “Her name doesn't ring a bell.”
    “She writes Young Adult novels. For teenagers. And she's sort of famous. With teenage girls. Go to a bookstore and she has four books in her own rack.” She smiled with great pride. “Gretchen's kind of a recluse. I never even would've known she lived around here if it wasn't for the book dedication.”
    “How do you mean?”
    “It was like three years ago and I was in the B Dalton at the Dankworth Mall and I just started browsing and I saw a few of Gretchen's books on the shelf so I picked one up for no reason and sort of skimmed the plot on the jacket and it sounded decent so I turned to the first page, but I didn't turn far enough and I was on the dedication page and the book was dedicated to my Aunt.”
    “To Brandy?”
    “Yeah. I really freaked. It said, ‘To Brandy Parker, Wherever you may be’.”
    “That could be just the thing Perry needs.”
    Quilla looked at me. “You're right.”
    I wanted to pursue the subject, but I couldn't because Suzanne, her husband and the elderly Marilyn Monroe look-alike were approaching from the Viewing Room.
    “I want to thank you for convincing me to have this tonight,” said Suzanne. “I was dreading it from the moment we talked, but it's definitely helped.”
    “Thank you,” I said, impressed that she had the class to say what she said. “But I think the person who really deserves your thanks is Quilla. She was the most convincing.”
    Wearily, Suzanne looked at her daughter. “Thank you.” Quilla uttered a self-satisfied “You're welcome,” but before the words were even out of her mouth old Marilyn coldly interjected “So what's the plan for tomorrow?”
    I looked closely at the woman who was heavily made up, wondering who the hell she was. She looked as if Nolan had applied a hearty dose of embalmer's wax which he used to add color to a corpse's face.
    Suzanne looked at me. I said, “The cremation will take place tomorrow morning. Interment is at noon.”
    Without even acknowledging me, the woman turned to Alan Worthington and curtly said, “Are you going, dear?”
    Alan shook his head no, saying, “I have a meeting.”
    “So do I,” said the woman coldly. “Suzanne, are you?”
    “Yes. Quilla and I will be going.”
    Quilla looked pleased at her mother's answer.
    “If you want me to be there for you I will,” said the woman. “But as I never knew your sister and since Alan hadn't even been part of your family at the time of her death, I... ”
    “It's alright, Helen,” said Suzanne with an insincere graciousness.
    “You're sure? I consider you the daughter I never had.”
    Alan Worthington put his arm around this unpleasant old crone and said, “It's the thought that counts, Mom.”
    Mom . It figured.
    “So then,” I said, looking at Suzanne and Quilla. “I'll meet you tomorrow noon at the front gate at the cemetery.”
    Suzanne nodded. Alan Worthington winked at me and extended his hand. I shook it unenthusiastically. “Thanks for everything, chief.” His mother said nothing to me as she slid her left forearm under Alan's right arm and headed for the door. Suzanne followed. Quilla waved at me and joined her mother.
    Perry waited until they had pulled out of the lot before appearing again. I expected him to be reeking of smugness over the fact that Tyler DeGregorio had shown up and I was anxiously waiting to inform him of Tyler's reason, but when Perry stepped into the foyer his expression was anything

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