199 . Simkins,
Kitchener’s Army
, cap. 3.
200 . Becker,
Great War and the French People
, pp. 48-63; Hopkin, «Domestic Censorship», pp. 153-155; Deist, «Censorship and Propaganda», pp. 201-204.
201 . Lawrence, Dean, y Robert, «Outbreak of War».
202 . Guinard
et al
, vol. 1, p. 204.
203 . Stone,
Eastern Front
, pp. 123, 216.
204 . Ullrich y Ziemann, eds.,
, p. 114.
205 . Afflerbach,
, p. 194.
206 . Para una buena exposición, Strachan,
First World War: To Arms
, cap. 12.
207 . Simkins,
Kitchener’s Army
, cap. 4; Dewey, «Military Recruiting».
Construcción de un nuevo mundo, primavera de 1915-primavera de 1917
1 . Ferguson,
Pity of War
, cap. 10; Kennedy, «Military Effectiveness», p. 345.
2 . Keegan,
Price of Admiralty
, p. 90.
3 . Sobre Verdún: Cruttwell,
History of the Great War
, p. 251; Gilbert,
First World War
, pp. 299-300. Sobre el Somme: Winter,
Haig’s Command
, p. 46.
4 . Stevenson,
, p. 6.
5 . Harrison,
Economics of World War II
, p. 21.
6 . Ferguson,
Pity of War
, p. 320.
La generalización de la guerra
1 . Reynolds, «Origins of the Two ‘‘World Wars’’», pp. 29-33.
2 . Holland, «British Empire», p. 118.
3 . Andrews,
Anzac Illusion
, pp. XIV, 8, 13, 40-41.
4 . Brown y Louis, eds.,
Oxford History of the British Empire
, vol. 4, p. 115; Ferguson,
, p. 303.
5 . Renzi,
Shadow of the Sword
, p. 265.
6 . Nish,
Japanese Foreign Policy
, p. 93.
7 .
., pp. 83-97; Nish,
Alliance in Decline
, cap. 7; Lowe,
Great Britain and Japan
, caps. 6, 7.
8 . Sims,
Political History of Modern Japan
, pp. 115-35; Barnhart,
Japan and the World
cap. 4; Nish, en Wilson, ed.,
Decisions for War
, cap. 8; Dickinson,
War and National Reinvention
9 . En general: Strachan,
First World War: To Arms
, cap. 8; Gottlieb,
Studies in Secret Diplomacy
; Kent, ed.,
Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire
; MacFie,
End of the Ottoman Empire
; Yapp,
Modern Near East
; Yasamee, en Wilson, ed.,
Decisions for War
, cap. 9.
10 . Heller, «Sir Louis Mallet»; Kurat, «How Turkey Drifted».
11 . Kurat, «How Turkey Drifted», y Trumpener,
Germany and the Ottoman Empire
12 . El mejor relato es el de Renzi,
Shadow of the Sword
.Véanse también Bosworth,
Italy the Least of the Great Powers
; Lowe y Marzari,
Italian Foreign Policy
; Salandra,
Italy and the Great War
; Gottlieb,
Studies in Secret Diplomacy
; Jones, «Antonio Salandra»; Valiani,
End of Austria-Hungary
13 . Beckett,
Great War
, pp. 85-86; Stevenson, ed.,
British Documents
, vol. 2, docs. 273, 274.
14 . Crampton,
; Robbins, «British Diplomacy»; Smith,
Russian Struggle for Power
, pp. 309-335; Silberstein,
, cap. 7.
15 . Vinogradov, «Romania»; Torrey, «Rumania»; Silberstein,
Troubled Alliance
, caps. 8-10; Spector,
, pp. 5-39.
16 . Yasamee, en Wilson, ed.,
Decisions for War
, p. 229.
17 . En general, Trumpener, en Strachan, ed.,
Oxford Illustrated History
, cap. 6; Strachan,
First World War: To Arms
, pp. 680-693; Emin,
, pp. 78 y ss.
18 . Strachan,
First World War: To Arms
, pp. 712-729.
19 . Sobre Armenia: Hovanissian,
, y Hovanissian, ed.,
Armenian Genocide
; Walker, «Armenian Genocide»; Dyer, «Turkish “Falsifiers”».
20 . Sobre los Dardanelos, véanse en especial: Travers, «Ottoman Crisis»; Travers,
Gallipoli, 1915
; Rhodes James,
. Para un relato de los hechos, véanse Hamilton,
Gallipoli Diary
; Churchill,
World Crisis
, vol. 2.
21 . Travers,
, p. 229; Aspinall-Oglander,
Military Operations: Gallipoli 1915
, vol. 2, p. 488.
22 . Andrews,
Anzac Illusion
, pp. 51-63.
23 . Ben-Moshe, «Churchill’s Strategic Conception».
24 . Cassar,
French and the Dardanelles
25 . French, «Origins of the Dardanelles Campaign»; French,
British Strategy and War Aims
, caps. 3-5.
26 . Travers,
Gallipoli 1915
, p. 32, corrige fuentes anteriores en este punto; véase también
V. C. Andrews
Wil Haygood
Russell Andresen
Melissa Hill
Jule Meeringa
Marilu Mann
Lani Lynn Vale
Jeanne M. Dams
Moss Roberts
Gilbert Morris