03 Murder by Mishap

03 Murder by Mishap by Suzanne Young

Book: 03 Murder by Mishap by Suzanne Young Read Free Book Online
Authors: Suzanne Young
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like an older brother and sister when I was growing up. Seeing them yesterday made me realize how much I have missed them. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do. I’m afraid we’d bore you to tears.”
    “Do you think they’ll like Stephen?” Edna hoped her question sounded more diplomatic than she felt.  “Would you be more comfortable meeting them in a neutral zone, like a restaurant?”
    “Stephen probably won’t even be home for lunch. Most days, he says he’s too busy to stop for lunch. Besides, Virginia said Renee and Guy would like to see the place again. She told them about my plans to restore the gardens. I remember Renee loved working in the yard with my mother, so maybe she’ll remember things that I’ve forgotten. I’ll definitely show them my drawings.”
    Edna heard the happiness and relief in her friend’s voice and was glad for Peg. “It sounds like you’ll have a good visit. I’ll want a full report,” she said, only half teasing.
    “You got it. Thanks for understanding, Ed. I’ll talk to you soon.” With that, Peg hung up, leaving Edna to hope the day would be as pleasant as Peg was expecting. Remembering the looks on the faces of both brother and sister, Edna wasn’t encouraged. Hanging up her own phone, she shook her head, shrugged and rose to fetch her gardening tools.
    An hour later, she, with Benjamin’s assistance, was digging up iris bulbs in the middle of the circle inside the broken-shell driveway when Starling drove up in her eight-year-old, white Celica. Living in Boston, she knew better than to drive a new, an expensive or a coveted-model car. Chances were better than average in the city that a vehicle would suffer damage or be stolen or both. On the bright side, Bean Town was so compact that most people, Starling included, got around by a combination of foot power and public transportation.
    “Back so soon?” Sitting back on her heels, Edna greeted her daughter with an innocent smile and a wave.
    “Gary kicked me out.” Referring to her business partner in the photography studio, Starling leaned out the car’s window, her lower lip protruding in a mock pout. “He said I’m being totally useless, and he’s tired of listening to me complain about my boyfriend.”
    “Is that what you’ve been doing?” Edna held onto her broad-brimmed straw hat with a gloved hand as she looked up at her daughter.
    “I guess so. Anyway, I decided to return to my original plan of spending a few days here. I want to build up my photo inventory of places around the Rhode Island shores. And guess what?” Her face lit up while she continued chattering, not waiting for Edna to respond. “Just as I was leaving my condo, Charlie called to tell me he’s not that busy after all.”
    “That is good news, dear. Park your car and come help me up, will you?” After sitting on the ground for longer than she’d intended, Edna felt her legs beginning to cramp.
    When Starling was out of the car and Edna was on her feet, she said, “Come with me. I want you to meet our new neighbor. Her name is Jaycee Watkins.”
    As they walked across the street and up the slope to the front porch, Edna explained further. “If you’re going to be home for a few days and out taking pictures, I think you can help Jaycee with a special project she’s doing--when you’re not with Charlie, of course. You and she are about the same age, and I think you’ll enjoy each other’s company.”
    “Oh?” Starling’s curiosity was up, but not without a hint of hesitancy and some humor. “What are you getting me into now, Mom?”
    Briefly and with growing enthusiasm over the idea of the two young women collaborating, Edna told Starling about Jaycee and her idea for an illustrated cookbook. As they reached the porch and she knocked on the door, Edna ended by saying, “I thought you could start by taking her over to Carpenter’s Mill in Perryville. She mentioned her grandmother’s johnnycake recipe last night, so I

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