Zorilla At Large!
tell me what this is all about.”
    The detectives sat facing the lifeguard, resting their chins on their hands and gazing adoringly at this charismatic, handsome and fit-as-fuck specimen.
    â€œGo on then,” Darren prompted after a couple of minutes of basking in their silent admiration. “Tell me. Or am I supposed to guess?”
    â€œLottery,” Miller managed to squeak.
    â€œNever play it.” Darren sat back and rested his arm on the back of the chair beside him, affording them a better view of his pecs. “My balls dropped years ago.” He chuckled. Brough was agog. Darren Bennett had certainly won the draw when the top prize had been good looks.
    â€œYou put in a bid,” Brough had to look at the space beyond the lifeguard’s shoulder. “You were awarded a grant?”
    â€œOh, that! Oh, yeah.”
    â€œWhat was it for?”
    Darren Bennett made an expansive gesture. “Look at the state of this place.” The detectives didn’t take their eyes off him. “Most of the time I feel like a big fish in a shit pile. And all we get from the council is cuts and more cuts. And then they wonder why the kids are all tubby fuckers. So, I decided to set up a fitness club for youngsters. That lottery committee lapped it up. Offered me double the amount I asked for. As of last week, I’m working my notice. Got my eye on some premises I’m going to rent and, in a few months’ time. I’ll be up and running. Bring your kids along.”
    â€œI haven’t got any!” Miller blurted. “I’m not even married.”
    â€œYou do surprise me,” Darren Bennett twinkled. Miller giggled.
    â€œAnd I’m not the paternal sort,” Brough chimed in.
    â€œOh, no?” Bennett flashed Brough a twinkle. “I suppose you’re a bit on the young side to be somebody’s daddy. ”
    Brough’s mouth fell open.
    â€œWe’m taking you in,” said Miller. “For protection.”
    â€œI can protect myself, sweetheart.” He flexed his muscles to prove it.
    â€œYou may have heard there’s a killer on the loose,” Brough stated, although his voice was constricted.
    Bennett pulled a face. “I heard something about an animal or something. Got out of the zoo, didn’t it? Some skunk done a bunk!”
    Miller laughed, too loudly and for too long.
    â€œThat’s a separate issue,” said Brough. “There is a vicious murderer in Dedley and we have reason to believe he - or indeed she - is targeting those whose applications to the lottery committee were successful.”
    â€œYou’re shitting me.”
    â€œI shit you not.”
    â€œShit.” Darren Bennett now looked stunned as well as stunning. “Bugger me.”
    Brough coughed.
    â€œSo, if you’ll please come with me...” Miller got to her feet.
    â€œWith us ,” Brough amended, also standing. “We’ll take you to a place of safety.”
    â€œI’ve heard worse chat-up lines, I suppose. But really? I mean, I’ve got things to do and training to stick to. How do you think you get a body like mine, eh?”
    â€œI was just wondering that,” said Miller.
    â€œIt won’t be for long,” said Brough.
    â€œWell, we can’t say that for sure, can we, sir? Who knows how long it’ll take to catch him - or indeed her,” she mocked Brough’s pompous tones.
    â€œI run,” said Brough. “Perhaps we could train together...”
    Miller rolled her eyes. “Let’s make a move. I’ve got a car outside. He doesn’t even drive.”
    â€œOoh, back seat for us then, um,” Darren glanced at Brough’s card for the first time, “David!”
    Miller seethed. Brough looked triumphant.
    â€œYou can ride in the front with me,” said Miller. “More legroom. I’m sure the detective inspector won’t mind.” She fluttered her eyelashes.

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