
Zero by J. S. Collyer Page B

Book: Zero by J. S. Collyer Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. S. Collyer
Tags: Science-Fiction
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jerk that had the captain grousing. He crept the car along and scanned the closed-up shops and businesses, ignoring the questioning stare he could feel coming from Hugo. The occasional civilian flyer zoomed overhead though thankfully nothing with flashing lights or sirens, and he allowed himself to breathe normally. Turning another corner he found another street of shut up shops that was even more deserted than the last and decided there wasn’t much else for it but to chance it. He pulled over and cut the engine, trying to avoid the clearest angle on the nearest street camera.
    “ Where are we?”
    “ No idea. But I think I’ve found what we need. Sit tight.”
    “ Wait,” Hugo snapped as Webb opened the door.
    “ For fuck's sake, will you just trust me?”
    “ Wait, Webb. That's an order.”
    Webb had little choice since the captain had used his good hand to lock a death-grip on his sleeve. He swore again, painfully aware of the seconds ticking by, and turned back.
    “You look like shit,” Hugo muttered, scowling at him.
    “ Yes, I am aware, Captain, now let me go, we don't have time -”
    “ No,” Hugo snapped. “I mean...just look.”
    Webb followed the captain's gesture and took a proper look at himself in the rear view mirror and grimaced. What little of his face that was not mired with dirt was covered in blood from a cut over his eyebrow. His hair was stiff with more of the same and his clothes were a scorched and bloody mess. Anyone even catching half a glance of him would call the emergency services, either before or after screaming bloody murder.
    “Okay. I take your point,” Webb muttered.
    Hugo was already trying to work his way out of his coat which, though dusty and dirty, was long and more or less in one piece.
    “Here,” Webb said and leant in to help. Hugo threw him a look but didn't argue and Webb managed to untangle him from it with only the minimum of muttered curses. Webb pulled the coat on over his ripped boiler suit then pulled off his hat, scraped back and re-tied his hair then dusted off the cap as best he could before pulling it back on, tugging it low on his face, hoping it would hide most of the blood. Then he scrambled out of the car.
    The night air had a bite of chill and he shivered. He pulled the coat tight around him and ducked his head, moving up the street as sedately as he could manage, all the while forcing himself not to limp. The drug store he had spotted was at a bad angle for the street camera but he still looked up and down the street twice before setting to work on the keypad by the door. It took him longer than it would have done normally to crack the code. The waves of nausea and dizziness washing through him were getting harder to push aside. He cursed as he struggled to focus but eventually the doors hissed open and he let out a shuddering breath, slipping inside. He found the control box to the alarm system near the door and disabled it with less trouble and moved down the rows of shelves to the shop counter.
    He muttered another prayer of thanks when he saw that the store's till system was connected to the solarnet, even if it was old and took its time booting up. He resisted the urge to kick it, slumping in a chair and rubbing his eyes. There was a bit of stalling and static, partially his codes talking their way around the Zero 's security settings and partly the drug store's ancient connection, and then finally Rami's face flickered into focus.
    “ Commander?” Webb saw her trying to fight a smile. “It's good to see you.”
    “ Likewise,” Webb replied, feeling a smile spread across his own face.
    “ I know how you like to keep us on our toes, Zeek but...” she paused and her brow furrowed as as she took in his appearance. “What happened?”
    “ No time to explain,” he sighed, “but please, God, tell me you're not still dirtside?”
    “ No. When you weren't at the drop off point we retreated back to orbit.”
    “ Thank fuck.”
    “ What's

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