outside one of the taverns, the placard was advertising a local
Gladiator school located a few miles east. The thought of once
again training in a gladiator school seemed appealing, he also knew
that the rigour of training would help tune his mind and sharpen
his reflexes.
    That night back
in the school Talon asked to see captain Hesk, he asked for
permission if he could finish his studies early twice a week so
that he could then train at the gladiator school. Hesk saw no
problem with this as long as it did not affect his education and
granted him his wish.
    When Talon
visited the school, he discovered it to be very much like his
father’s gladiator school back in his hometown of Tallasian, it
enjoyed the same atmosphere and smell that they all did. Talon sat
down and began to observe the fighters train, his initial thought
was of the excellent quality of the fighters he saw, it was obvious
that this school was of the highest calibre.
    Talon sat for
about an hour before he was approached by one of the
    “Welcome sir, I
see you have interest in the art of fighting.”
    “Ever since I
could walk.” Talon smiled “my father is the overseer at a gladiator
school in Tallasian.” he added
the instructor replied with familiarity “I have fought many times
in the arena there, which school doe’s your father teach?”
    “The school of
    “That’s your
    “I have seen
him in combat; he was very good, great with the axe.”
    “I was too
young to witness with my own eyes but I have heard many a tale.”
Talon proudly added as the instructor sat down next to him.
    “Do you fight
young man?” The instructor asked noticing Talon’s chiselled
    “I am trained
in all the arts but I have never fought in the arena.”
    “Well your
still young my boy and you look very strong.” the instructor warmly
replied as Talon smiled back at his comment, “your men look very
sharp.” added Talon as he pointed to them.
    “They better
bloody be! We are travelling to Kallick Town next week where we
challenge the royal guard.”
    The name
Kallick Town hit Talon like a bolt; this could be my chance to
escape the Palace land he thought.
    “My name is
Talon.” he warmly replied as he extended his hand.
responded the instructor shaking his hand.
    Talon’s mind
was now racing; if he could travel to Kallick Town with them, then
he would be free to escape the Empire.
    But how could
he join the party “I must hide the importance of this.” he thought
    “So next week
you fight the royal guard................. Judging by the look of
your men that will be some contest.”
    “Ah you have
seen the royal guard then.” Savarta answered.
    “Yes, many
times I saw them while I was posted in Kallick Town, they are
excellent fighters.”
    “Besides us,
they are the best!” Savarta Replied with an authoritative tone of
    “I think my
father might have something to say about that.” jest fully remarked
    “Arr Talon
........ The fighters of the north have always been more superior
from the men of south” said Savarta looking at Talon who just
smiled to himself before answering.
    “Maybe we could
find a way to test your theory Savarta.”
    “In what
    “Well you’re
looking at it Savarta, I am from the south, if you agree then I
would dearly love to train amongst you, I could do with the
competition as my training of late has been neglected by my studies
...... And who knows maybe I could teach your boys of the north a
thing or two.”
    “That my friend
would be sight worth seeing!” Replied Savarta teasingly.
    “Then it is
agreed! If I can convince my General to allow me to train here then
you have no objections.”
    “If you get
permission then it will be my pleasure to have you train with
    Talon and
Savarta chatted for a while before Talon left giving his thanks and
farewells. As Talon walked back to his

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