Yuletide Cowboy

Yuletide Cowboy by Debra Clopton Page A

Book: Yuletide Cowboy by Debra Clopton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Clopton
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power nap any time she can get it.”
    â€œThanks, they are few and far between.” Her mouth felt like she’d stuffed marshmallows in it when he gave her a crooked grin.
    â€œHey, remember I’m the hired help, so if you need to go grab a little shut-eye I’d be more than glad to watch these two cowpokes of yours.”
    â€œOh, that is so tempting.” True, she wasn’t looking for a romance. Or a date even. But there was nothing keeping her from liking the guy. And the more she knew of him, the more she liked him.
    â€œI’m serious,” he said, looking at the boys, who were stretching out the strands of lights like he’d shown them, checking for burned-out bulbs. Jack plugged one end into an extension cord. “We’ve got this.”
    The thing was that, as a single working mom of two active boys, she literally dreamt of sleeping… “No. I’m good. I want to do this with the boys.” And you. So she was human. She was a woman drawn to a man. But that was all. Nothing more.
    He grinned and it was like a bolt of sunshine. “Sounds great to me.”
    What was a great guy like Chance Turner doing still single? The man had never been married and he wasabout twenty-eight, if she had her figures straight. He was a year older than Cole and they’d had a small gathering for Cole’s birthday three weeks ago. Not that being twenty-eight and never married was a bad thing. She assumed his lack of a wife had a lot to do with being on the road so much.
    Not that it mattered to her one way or the other. He was simply a nice guy who was kind to her kids.
    And you’re having a great time with him.
    â€œHey, Chance, got one,” Gavin yelled, waving at him to come to the end of the strand.
    â€œIt’s blown, all right,” Jack added.
    â€œDuty calls.” He tipped his hat, eyes twinkling. “Want me to show you how to change a bulb, too?”
    â€œSure, sounds great,” she laughed, her heart feeling as light as the breeze blowing in across the yard.
    She watched him show the boys how to replace a bulb with one of the extras in a little plastic bag that was still attached to the strand.
    Her boys huddled with him, their little brown and blond heads bent next to his black one. When the light popped on like the rest of them they whooped and gave each other high fives. Guys.
    â€œThere ain’t nothin’ to that,” Gavin gushed.
    Chance grinned at him. “You’re right. It’s easy once you know how to do it.”
    â€œWhat if there’s not any extras with the lights?” Jack asked, looking at the strand that lay next to them.
    â€œYou can get a little pack of them for less than a dollar, I think.”
    â€œDid you hear that, Momma? I got a dollar. I can help.”
    â€œI got a dollar, too, Jack,” Gavin added, not wanting to be outdone.
    â€œAnd that is one reason I love you two so much, be cause you are my little helpful men.”
    They beamed at the praise and Chance winked at her once more. There was nothing meant by the wink other than agreement with what she’d said, but that didn’t stop her insides from feeling suddenly as if she’d been turned upside down. She stepped back, having somehow moved to stand a bit too close to him.
    â€œI guess I’d better get dinner started. You’re upholding your part of the deal so I’d better get mine together. Do you like King Ranch chicken?”
    â€œDoes a horse like sweet feed? It’s my favorite.”
    A warm bloom of pleasure spread through her at the way he was smiling at her. Self-conscious, she glanced at her boys, who looked in shock at each other, then up at him.
    â€œIt’s our favorite, too!” Gavin exclaimed for both of them, and Jack nodded, his big blue eyes locked on Chance in admiration.
    Shaken by the attachment that her boys seemed to have formed so quickly, she had to force her voice to sound

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