used to read his father’s architectural magazines and go
to his father’s office and got imprinted with the whole ethos of the
profession. as a result, he decided from his early teens to become
an architect. This is easily done with a karmic 11-2 when they are
young as they absorb everything without discernment initially.
He was also a very bright child, although there were concerns
about his learning ability, as he appeared slow at school, like
Michael, his best friend. again, like in Michael’s case, this slow-
ness of assimilation of knowledge was due to his 11 taking its time
to discern and build Bart’s structure of truth. once he grasped and
integrated a new body of knowledge as part of his truth, his mind
was fast at applying this truth in his life.
Bart was a sensitive child because of the 2 energy, where he
was learning emotional resiliency, and was easily shocked by the
rough-and-tumble of school life and the demands of family life.
Key points of the 11 : Learning to assimilate knowledge,
expand and grow; finding a structure for functioning in the
physical world
Key points of the 2 : Learning emotional resiliency
Generic Talent: 13-4
Bart was a loving child, accepting people exactly as they were
without judgement of any kind. People really felt healed and
nurtured by being in his presence. This is the 13 in action, the
unconditional love of the Divine Feminine energy just flowing to
and through him for him to duplicate, and share into the world
with others, which is the 4 in action. Bart soon learnt that the more
he expanded and shared of whatever came to him, be it love, money
or ideas, the more that came to him. He soon moved into a place of
great trust in the flow of life from a very young age. He learnt to set
the intent of what he desired to occur in his life, and if it was meant
to be, it would just turn up for him. He did not need to go chasing
after anything if he truly trusted in the flow of the Universe.
Bart had known Michael William sampson since they started
school together at five years of age. Eventually, they went into
architectural practice, forming the architectural partnership
Sampson Alan and Associates. Because Bart trusted in the flow of
life, if something felt right to do in the business, he would just do it
and have complete faith that it would all work out, which it usually
did. This led him to securing some wonderful business deals in the
form of new building contracts that helped the business expand.
Key points of the 13 : Maternal, unconditionally loving
of all things through stillness and spiritual intent
Key points of the 4 : Trusting that all things will
eventually come to them
Generic Goals: 21-3
Bart had to endure and overcome a lot of hardship while at univer-
sity because of the stress and demands of his five-year architectural
degree. He was not able to assimilate the sheer volume of informa-
tion and all the new thought processes required in the course. This
led him to failing his fourth year, which was a great shock for him
due to the generic karmic 2 as he had little emotional resiliency to
cope with this. once he recovered from this, he then had to deal
with the fact that he only had enough funds to pay for the five-year
degree. adding a sixth year, through having to repeat his fourth
year, created a big challenge for him, in the form of the 21, as he
had to find the money from somewhere. Bart had always faced
money challenges because of the deep unworthiness to be loved
programmed into the 3 of this aspect. He had grown up in a house-
hold where his father only just managed to make ends meet each
month as he was running his own start-up architectural practice.
as a result, he had received a strong imprint of poverty conscious-
ness and that life is hard.
However, there was a budding teacher in Bart with the 3, and he
also had
Anne Marsh
Susan Griscom
Tom Sharpe
Claudia Lamadre
Barbara Hambly
Stephen Cope
Joe Haldeman
Alex Lux
K.T. Hastings
V. K. Sykes