
Yesterday by Lora Leigh Page B

Book: Yesterday by Lora Leigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lora Leigh
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    She stiffened at first, but then buried her face in his neck as he put the vehicle in gear and headed for his house. The stick shift made holding her and driving a bit of a complication at first, but there was no way in hell he was letting go of her. She fit against him perfectly, her body turned into him, her knees bent and pressing against his side.
    He was a big man. Nearly six two and all heavy muscle, and she felt like a damned kid in his arms. Her long red hair whipped against his chest, the sweet female scent of her rocking his senses.
    I can t go home. Her voice shook as she whispered the words against his neck. Please Blake.
    Sh, he soothed her as rubbed his cheek against the side of her head. I m not taking you home, Anna. I m taking you to my place. Don t worry, Austin won t touch you ever again.
    Blake would make sure of it.
    His house was only a short distance away. A small two story ranch tucked into one of the prettiest valleys on the face of the Earth. Eastern Kentucky was his home, and the little town of Grayson, despite its small town problems, soothed his soul after the missions shredded it.
    He took the turn onto the graveled road that led to the house, more than thankful that the drive was so short. His cock was a length of iron in his pants torturing him. Besides, he didn t want to frighten her with the desire he felt for her after the earlier attack.

    Pressing the remote that lay between the seats he pulled into the dimly lit garage and cut the ignition. Anna lay against him comfortably now, her arms looped around his neck, her breathing, though rapid, having lost that frightened edge.
    We re here, he whispered, his hands smoothing up her back as she shivered in his arms.
    He clenched his teeth. That shudder wasn t one of fear and that little whimpering moan wasn t one of distress. He closed his eyes fighting for his sanity then. She was too soft, too warm in his arms, and he had wanted her too damned long.
    Anna, we re in trouble here. He tried to chuckle but the sound was rougher than her breathing.
    Her head lifted from his shoulder as he stared down at her. The small bruise along her cheek hadn t swollen terribly so it was easy to see the sensuality that flushed her face.
    The delicate features looked almost sleepy, but the moist, full curves of her lips were heavy with desire, her green eyes dark with it.
    Her hand moved from his neck. It was delicate, the slender fingers graceful as they touched his lips. He couldn t resist licking at the tips, desperate to taste her. She trembled in his arms, her breath catching he drew one tip into his mouth, holding it still with his teeth as he laved it once again.
    She bit her lower lip, watching him slumberously. Regretfully he caught her hand moving the finger from his mouth as he watched her intently. His cock was throbbing beneath his jeans, the blood pounding in his veins as he drew in a hard breath.
    Anna, I don t want to frighten you
    I went out with Charlie because Daddy accused me of being a lesbian, she tried to laugh away her hurt. I don t date, because I was waiting, she revealed. I knew you wouldn t touch me until I turned eighteen, Blake. And I just didn t want anyone else.
    The words should have sounded immature. She was so damned young it made his back teeth ache. Instead she sounded intent, sure of what she wanted and unwilling to accept less. He d had the same problem since the day he met her two years before.
    I have to leave tomorrow, he told her softly. I ll be gone for a few weeks, Anna. But when I come back
    I don t want to leave you tonight. Her emotions were plain on her face and she broke his heart. It wasn t fear. It was need. Stark. Blinding.
    His hands clenched at her waist. Heaven help him, he could feel himself drowning.
    Anna, he groaned as he leaned his forehead against hers, staring into her dark gaze. I want you. You don t know how much, or for how long I have wanted you. But I want you to be sure.
    She smiled, her

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