Would I Lie To You
blue-green ocean water, mint chocolate-chip ice cream, and last but not least . . . tan boys in pastel shirts. Talk about a color combination!
    your e-mail
    Dear the Gossip Girl,
    I am beautiful brunette from foreign land so maybe there is somethings I don’t understand about America. I ask your help to explain to me this please: is bald now beautiful? Do American men like girls to look like this? With shaved head? Please advise.
    Dear C,
    I think you’ve misunderstood. Bald is beautiful when we’re talking about a Brazilian, but most fellows I know like something to run their fingers through. It’s the rare woman indeed who can pull off the full-on buzz. . . . I’ve seen it work only once before. Good luck!
    Dear GG,
    I’ve been in Europe for the summer and am worried about my big brother back in New York. He hasn’t replied to any of my postcards, and when I called home a few minutes ago, my dad said he was “on the lam with a bottle of absinthe.” Eeek! Do you think he’s okay?
    —Worried Little Sis
    Dear WLS,
    Not to worry! Your bro is probably just out enjoying himself and trying new things. Trust me, that’s a good thing. If you’re still concerned about his whereabouts, send me his pic. . . . If he’s cute, I’ll track him down for you!
    N, making his first beach appearance of the season with a friend I hardly recognized—what’s up, A, you been working out? Great results! I’ve got the camera-phone pics to prove it. Yum. Two ladies matching the descriptions of B and S were spotted chewing gum behind a gas station on Main Street, late at night, but let’s take that one with a grain of salt, because another report also had B and S buying depilatories at Long’s, and something tells me those girls would never attempt a home job, even in an emergency. I mean, there are experts for that sort of thing, and yes, they make house calls! V pedaling around East Hampton on a child’s bike with training wheels. Maybe she’s making some kind of environmental point? Good for her. D’s being a good environmentalist himself, if that was indeed him passed out on the 2 train instead of cabbing it. BTW, K and I: if you’re going to try to crash an all-boy party, it helps immensely if you’ve got a shaved head and boring unisex outfit. More than a few of our readers spotted you slinking home in your Puccis after you were rejected at the gate. Sorry, girls!
    That’s enough for now. I’m going to go get to know a new friend of mine—he’s a lifeguard and only speaks Dutch—and you’ve got work to do, anyway: get out there and create some more dirt for me to dish. You know how much I love you for it. And of course . . .
    You know you love me.
    gossip girl

Gossip Girl 10 - Would I Lie To You
    before sunrise
    “Turn it up!” Nate cupped the flame of Serena’s dainty silver lighter, trying to light a cigarette as Serena navigated the convertible roadster along the deserted Long Island Expressway.
    Best way to beat the summer traffic? Set out in the middle of the night.
    His cigarette lit, Nate tossed the lighter back onto the empty passenger seat in front of him. Serena reached over and cranked up the volume as high as it would go, but even that loud, Bob Dylan’s distinctive warble was barely audible over the whoosh of wind.
    “I’m cold. Can’t we put the top up?” Blair wrapped her arms around herself and frowned.
    “I don’t know how it works,” Nate admitted. “But I can help keep you warm if you like.” He draped his left arm around her shoulder protectively.
    Just like old times.
    Blair leaned into the front of the car and grabbed the cardigan Serena had abandoned there. “And I’m tired. Whose bright idea was it to stop for dinner?” She pulled the sweater on and leaned back into the caramel leather uphol-stery.
    It had been Blair’s suggestion, actually, that they get dinner. She’d wanted to

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