Worth The Shot (The Bannister Brothers #2)

Worth The Shot (The Bannister Brothers #2) by Jennie Marts Page A

Book: Worth The Shot (The Bannister Brothers #2) by Jennie Marts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennie Marts
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light growth of black whiskers covered a strong jaw. He was cute, like really cute. He also looked vaguely familiar, like she recognized him, but didn’t think they’d actually met before.
    As a journalist, she crossed paths with a lot of people, even with the small newspaper that she worked for. Plus she had a thing for faces, always thinking she recognized people who turned out to usually be someone random from her gym or the checker at the grocery store.
    “I think the flight attendant will be around shortly with drinks. Maybe that will help,” she told him.
    He nodded at the empty bottle. “That first one didn’t. I’m not much of a drinker anyway—that one just made me tired and gave me a headache.”
    “Sounds like you’re having a rough night altogether.”
    “It’s not all bad. I get to sit next to a gorgeous brunette in a short skirt, so at least I have a good view.” He offered her a flirtatious grin.
    Oh, boy. This one was a charmer. Charming and cute.
    This flight just got interesting.
    She adjusted her skirt, pulling it lower as she crossed one leg over the other. Her leg brushed his in the cramped space and the cotton fabric of his pants brushed against her bare skin.
    Despite the hooded sweatshirt, he was dressed well in khakis and a pressed white shirt, with a blue tie that matched the color of his eyes. Even his expensive black dress shoes were polished to a gleam.
    “I’ll let you know how rough my night ends up after we get off the flight,” she said.
    He smirked. “Ahh—gorgeous and smart. If you tell me you love a bloody red steak, you’ll fill the trifecta of the perfect woman.”
    She laughed. “I’m far from perfect, but I do like my steaks rare. They’re perfect if they’ve still been mooing about thirty minutes before they hit my plate.”
    The flight had settled a little, and a different attendant approached. Obviously interested in her handsome seatmate, she leaned across Addison to speak to him. “Get you another drink?”
    He offered her a panty-melting grin and a little of his charm. “Thanks, but I think I’d better stick to Diet Coke.”
    “And for your girlfriend?”
    “Oh, she’s not my girlfriend,” he said, then arched an eyebrow at her. “Yet.”
    Oh brother . Charming with a side of cocky.
    So why, instead of annoying her, did her cheeks warm with his flattery? Maybe because his easy flirting seemed to be aimed at fun, at making her smile. As if he knew his comments were over the top, and he was just playing with her.
    A soda actually sounded good, but after the night she’d had, she could use something a little stronger. “I’ll take a glass of wine. Chardonnay is fine. And a cup of ice.”
    “Ice for your wine?” the attendant asked.
    Addison waited for the derisive comment, but the attendant was too professional for that, especially in first class.
    “Yes, please.” She dropped the seat back table while the flight attendant prepared their drinks. Taking the Diet Coke, Addison passed it across to him, and their fingers touched as he took the glass. A tiny electrical chill raced through her at the touch of his fingers.
    Geez . She must be tired if she was letting the mere touch of a man’s hand get to her.
    The attendant handed her a cup of ice and a small bottle of Chardonnay.
    “I know it’s a funny way to drink wine,” she told the guy as she poured the contents of the bottle over the ice. “But I started drinking it like this in college, and now this is the way I like it. Over ice and super cold.”
    He shrugged. “I’m not judging you. It’s your drink. You can have it however you want. You can heat it up and dump marshmallows in it for all I care.”
    She took a sip, letting the flavor of the wine roll across her tongue. She’d had better, but this would do in a pinch. Settling back in her seat, she held out her hand. Shaking hands was kind of formal, and maybe she really just wanted to touch his hand again. “I’m Addison, by the

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