Working on a Full House

Working on a Full House by Alyssa Kress Page B

Book: Working on a Full House by Alyssa Kress Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alyssa Kress
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    "Why?" asked Kenny.
    Yes, why ? Valerie caught Roy's gaze. Why did their marriage have to take place today?
    The look in Roy's eyes was intense. A girl could get the wrong idea about a gaze like that. She might start to believe the man was anxious to claim her or something. Like he cared . For a moment Valerie lifted dangerously from her grounded position.
    But only for a moment. Then she remembered why they were getting married. She remembered how Roy would never have bothered trying to see her again if one little thing hadn't happened: a baby.
    "Look, I agree marrying is the right thing," she argued, determined to keep her feet on earth. "But there's no reason to rush into this half-cocked. Let's put all the details in order."
    "Listen to her," Kenny put in. "Unlike you, she's making sense."
    Scowling, Roy swiveled toward Kenny, but his gaze caught on the professor instead. "Wait a minute." His frown turned into a brilliant smile. "Isaac, you were a lawyer for what? Ten years? You can scratch something up, can't you?"
    Isaac appeared unsurprised, as if he'd expected Roy to arrive at this question. "As a matter of fact, I could."
    Roy's smile widened ferociously. "Well, then..."
    "However," Isaac went on, and turned to Valerie with his gentle smile. "I'm not sure if the lack of a prenup is the only objection the lady has."
    Valerie's mouth opened. This man saw way too much.
    "I could write up an informal agreement right now, something that would protect your assets. It would stand up in a court of law, if it ever became necessary." The professor paused to eye Valerie curiously. "I can do that, if you want me to."
    "Well, I..." Valerie's voice trailed off. He could draw up a prenuptial agreement. Was that her only objection to getting married right now, this minute?
    "Of course she wants you to," Roy urged, and shifted his gaze to Valerie, "Right, Val?"
    Oh, boy . There it was again, the masculine ferociousness, the to-the-max manliness of him that appealed to her so much — and that had nothing to do with her. His insistence, the hot possessiveness in his eyes, the flowers and his waiting friends — they were all because of the baby.
    Would delaying the marriage change that situation? Would it change the fact that, basically, they were strangers and this was nothing more than a business contract? It was never going to mean anything.
    Valerie drew in a deep breath. "You're right. There's no reason to delay. The informal agreement will work."
    Everything moved very quickly after that. Roy, in a surge of triumph, arranged the professor and the minister to get things ready, directed Valerie and the witnesses to sign in all the proper places — he even came up with a county clerk who looked at her identification and produced a marriage license. Finally, Roy positioned himself next to Valerie in front of the minister.
    Viewing everything through the lens of practicality, the ceremony was no more than a necessary exercise to provide a father for the child growing in her womb. Everything special, the timbre of the minister's voice as he began to recite the sacred words, or the sensation that crept over Valerie that she was doing something vastly significant, was just an illusion. They were making themselves legally bound parents. That was all.
    Yes, a chill ran through her when she heard Roy vow to love her and to forsake all others for her. Yes, her voice went hoarse as she pronounced the same vow. And yes, it was hell trying to get a gold band on Roy's finger, what with her own hands shaking so much. She'd never dreamed he'd produce a pair of wedding rings! But that was only silliness. This ceremony merely cemented their bound parenthood; it wasn't about love or sacred union or even attraction.
    Before she knew it, Mr. Burton was delivering his final speech. "Now that Roy and Valerie have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, I pronounce that they are husband and wife." He closed the book and beamed at them,

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