Word and Breath
wasn’t quite as tall as the other man, but at least now he could look him in the eye. “In what ways have you been subverted?”

    “Why didn’t someone tell me you were sending a team to pick up Riana Cole’s sister last night? I was making good progress, but this might throw her back into paranoia. She might never trust me enough for me to do my job.”

    Largan studied the other man’s face, feeling a twinge of curiosity at the intensity of the black eyes. Then he said carefully, “I never sent a team to pick up the sister.”

    “Someone did. Whether you own to it or not, it comes out as the same thing. I should have been told.”

    “I’m sorry you feel uninformed.” That was saying little enough, Largan decided, while still making a gesture at conciliation. “Your role is isolated—as it has to be. I have every confidence you can still do what you need to do.”

    Mikel’s lips tightened into a sneer. “I won’t do it all if you try to dupe me. You know my terms. They’ve always been the same.”

    Largan felt a flash of urgency. It was very important the Union not lose Mikel as an asset. “Your terms will be met, and no one would be fool enough to try to dupe you.” In an attempt to shift the subject, he added, “So what progress have you made so far?”

    Mikel glanced over toward the window thoughtfully. “She’s guarded and cynical, so it’s taking longer than I expected. But I’ll get it done—assuming this new development hasn’t set me back indefinitely. She’s starting to trust me.”

    “Have you gotten any sense of her yet?”

    “She’s innocent. That much is obvious already.”

    Largan frowned, wishing that dealing with Soul-Breathers wasn’t always so frustrating. “What does that mean? I don’t care about her sexual experience, if that’s what you’re—”

    “It’s not.” Mikel’s tone was more biting than normal. “I’m telling you she’s innocent. She’s genuine. It was the first note I read from her. There’s no way an elaborate deception is a significant part of her life. I think you might be on the wrong track.”

    This conflicted so much with other information Largan had received from his own research that he narrowed his eyes suspiciously at Mikel.

    “You don’t have to believe me,” Mikel said, obviously having interpreted his expression. “But you’re paying me for my skills. I’ll continue and try to extract some specific information. But you should be prepared for the possibility that she’s not a secret subversive or the ringleader of a rebellion.”

    That wasn’t what Largan thought of Riana Cole, and it wasn’t why he was now going to such lengths to find out what she knew and what her motives were. But he didn’t explain that to Mikel.

    “The job hasn’t changed,” he said, pitching his voice as a dismissal. He had more of his very meaningful paper-pushing to get back to. “Continue with your original assignment. And report back to me as soon as you learn anything.”

    Mikel gave a brisk nod. Then turned on his heel and walked out.
    Largan was glad to see him go. He hoped they wouldn’t have another encounter until this whole thing had been sorted out.
    It felt very strange to arrange her hair in something other than the two long braids she’d been wearing all her life. But, following Jenson’s suggestion, Riana coiled her hair at the nape of her neck in a tight knot instead.

    Tava wouldn’t let her go back to her loft to get clothes, so she had to borrow another outfit. Tava’s fashion was much more trendy and stylish than Riana’s own, and she ended up in a pair of well-tailored chocolate brown pants and a pink fitted blouse.

    They were snugger than she would have chosen, and she would be a lot more comfortable in her own clothes. She’d never put much stock in her appearance, though, so she forgot about her outfit shortly after she put it on.
    At least, until Jenson arrived at 11:30 and stared at her

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