Wolf in his Heart (Salvation Pack)
bag. She carried it out of the bathroom and set it back on the bench. It would be safe in Sage’s room.
    Taking a deep breath, Rina walked to the screen and pushed it open. She didn’t bother with her sneakers, preferring to go barefoot. The deck was warm on her skin but not so hot that it was unbearable to walk on, as this side of the house was partially in shadows now.
    “Ready.” Sage waited by her side. She had a quick flash of them standing like this at another time and place. One that felt like it was far, far in the future. Nothing more than wishful thinking on her part.
    She met his gaze and nodded. “I’m ready.” This time, she didn’t wait for him to offer. She reached out and took his hand. Sage smiled and linked their fingers together.
    Rina was putting on a brave face, but she looked scared enough to bolt. He tried to imagine himself in her shoes—thrust into a pack where she was a total stranger, not knowing who she could trust. Besides him, of course. She knew she could trust him. Or at least he hoped she knew she could.
    “Remember that no one here will hurt you.” They walked to the end of the deck and down the two steps to the yard. They moved side by side easily, as though they’d been doing it for years. They hadn’t even hit the corner of the house when a large beast ambled around the corner. It was part timber wolf, but also part German shepherd. He went straight for Rina.
    “That’s a dog. An actual dog. Not a werewolf.”
    “That’s Shadow.” Sage petted the old guy on the head. “He’s Gray’s dog. She’s had him for a long time. I guess he’s about twelve or so now.”
    “He’s beautiful.” Rina offered her hand. Shadow sniffed and then licked it. She laughed and rubbed the dog’s head. “You’re gorgeous, aren’t you?” Shadow’s butt wiggled in excitement and he made some rumbling noises like he was agreeing with her. She laughed again. “He’s wonderful.”
    “Yeah, Anny has two cats as well.”
    Rina dropped her hand back to her side. “Cats?”
    Sage grinned at the look of disbelief on her face. “Yeah, Seymour and Tigger. They’re around fourteen or fifteen years old, I guess. They don’t leave home these days.”
    “I’ve never heard of a pack with cats as pets.” Rina shook her head in disbelief.
    “We’re an interesting bunch.” He started walking again. Rina knew where they were going. She could hear the voices as easily as he could. Shadow trotted on ahead, and Sage knew the big dog would find a spot beneath a tree in the shade, curl up, and keep an eye on things.
    It took them another couple of minutes to get to the back of Gator and Sylvie’s place. Not because it was so very far, but because Rina was dragging her feet. He decided it was probably better if he didn’t point that out to her. Yeah, calling her a coward wouldn’t be smart.
    “Smell that barbecue.” He inhaled and his stomach grumbled. “Gator is a hell of a cook and grills a mean steak. There’ll be burgers too and hot dogs. The kids enjoy those. Lots to eat.”
    He smiled and a sense of well-being and homecoming struck him when he stopped at the edge of the clearing. Everyone was here. Everyone but Reece. It was at times like these he missed his brother most. He didn’t think his twin would be living away for much longer. Sage knew Reece wasn’t staying away because he loved the city or his job so much, but because he felt compelled to. Some instinct was telling him to stay.
    Sage only hoped that instinct would soon tell his brother to come home.
    “Welcome to the Salvation Pack.” He stood behind Rina and wrapped his arms around her. She leaned back against his chest. Neither one of them mentioned the fact that his erection was digging into her ass or that she was doing him a favor by standing in front of him.
    The adults would know he was aroused. And didn’t that make him feel like a horny teenager. But the kids didn’t need to see it. He struggled to get control

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