Within My Heart
    “I can try. But I’m going to need some help.” His attention shifted to Mitch. “Mitchell, are you up to the job?”
    Mitch’s eyes widened. “Yes, sir!” He took a confident stride forward.
    Rachel grabbed at Mitch’s shoulder, missed, and nearly lost her balance. “Doctor, if you need help, I’ll be happy to assist you.” She put weight on her right leg and it gave beneath her. Rand reached out to help but she caught herself in time. She straightened, pain shooting up and down her leg, and she worked to hide how much it hurt. “I’d prefer that Mitch not assist you with this. I-I’ll do it instead.”
    Rand leveled his gaze. “Mrs. Boyd—” He glanced at Lady, then back again. “I can’t do this alone. And while I always welcome your assistance, ma’am . . . judging by the flush of your face, the fact you can hardly stand, and the way you’re favoring that leg . . .” His gaze lifted from her eyes. “Add to that the way you’re perspiring . . .”
    Rachel reached up to find her forehead damp, despite the morning’s chill.
    “. . . I’m guessing you’re in quite a bit of pain right now and in no condition to assist with anything.” He retrieved a coiled rope from a peg and fashioned a makeshift harness—in half the time it would have taken her, and with superior results. “So . . . I’ll see to your heifer and her calf first, as you’ve requested me to do. Then I’ll be obliged to tend your injury.”
    Hearing the implied bargain, and none too eager to have Rand Brookston viewing her thigh, Rachel purposefully held back an agreeing nod. She had another idea. “Will Mr. Daggett be joining us soon?”
    Rand’s tired smile was briefly lived. “That’s doubtful.” He looped the harness over Lady’s head. “The boardwalk in front of the Mullinses’ store is piled high with snow. He’s helping Lyda dig out so she can open up. Folks are needing supplies.”
    At the mention of Lyda opening the store, Rachel realized she hadn’t yet inquired after Ben.
    “I give you my word, Mrs. Boyd.” Rand’s voice mirrored the confidence in his eyes. “I’ll be careful.”
    Instinctively, she knew he was referring to Mitch and something inside her softened toward him at his reassurance. Knowing she had no alternative, she nodded a hesitant approval and Mitch hurried to take his place beside him.
    “I won’t get hurt, Mama. I promise.”
    Rachel couldn’t find her voice, so simply nodded again.
    “I need you to grip the rope tight, Mitchell. Right here. Hold it firm and steady. I’ll tell you when to pull. And stay on your haunches, like this”—Rand demonstrated, sitting in a squatted position—“so you can move quickly when you need to. Not if you need to, but when. She’s going to kick. They always do. So you have to be ready.”
    Mitch nodded, stealing a glance in Rachel’s direction. Rachel’s face went warm.
    “Now”—Rand smoothed a hand over Lady’s muzzle—“normally after a heifer’s been in labor this long, the calf is ready to be born and the mama’s lying down. But sometimes, when the calf is large, it’ll take more time. I think that’s part of Lady’s problem. So in situations like this, we need the heifer to stand and move around. Most times they’ll try to stand themselves, but if not—”
    Rachel cringed, realizing she’d made the wrong decision. Again. To Mitchell’s credit, he didn’t give her away.
    “—then we need to help her. As I said, Lady’s calf is posterior-facing, which means—”
    “It means it’s coming out backwards.” Mitch stroked Lady’s neck. “I read about it in Mama’s book.” He indicated the book that lay half buried in the straw.
    Her embarrassment now utterly complete, Rachel threw the traitorous Handy-Book of Husbandry a glare.
    Positioning Mitch at Lady’s head, Rand moved to the opposite end. “You and I are going to try and help Lady to turn the calf herself, Mitchell. Most times, the heifer’s body

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