With Her Capture
kept his attention on her
mouth and knew each breath would be soft and equally as torturous
as a feather brushing over his skin.
    Thick black lashes hid
part of her eyes from him. He knew where she looked though. He was
acutely aware of each part of his body when she focused on it. His
flesh sizzled under her scrutinizing attention. Each scar, every
healed, puckered bit of flesh from an old tooth wound, grew hot
when she studied it.
    Ayden knew her
thoughts. Her cheeks flushed a beautiful shade of good wine when
part of him held its appeal. Her lips moved, but she didn’t speak,
when she looked at the mended flesh from battles throughout his
    She wanted to know.
Magda took his body in sexually, but also because she wanted to
know his past. This shed more light on what she thought then her
scent. Who he was, how each battle had gone where he’d been
scarred, mattered to her. He knew he smelled very pleased but
couldn’t stop the emotion. His
beaute noire
cared about him, too. His heart thudded with
primal possessiveness. The moment her attention dropped to his
dick, blood rushed through him to engorge it.
    Magda’s eyes widened.
She let out a soft moan and her scent was suddenly richer. He grew
even harder when her mouth opened and her small tongue darted out
to moisten her lips. She stared at him, but only for a moment
before darting her attention back to his face when he lowered
himself over her again.
    “ You’re so beautiful.”
He straightened his arms, keeping part of his weight off her. The
action pressed his cock deep into her satiny smooth flesh just next
to her hip bone.
    “ I’m
    “ Perfect,” he insisted
and gripped her hip, rolling her flesh against his swollen dick
while lifting her slightly off the cave floor.
    Her laughter
intensified her intoxicating aroma. “I’m definitely not
    Ayden scraped her lower
lip between his teeth. “I think you might be perfect for me,” he
    “ Ayden,” she said on a
breath, and in turn bit his lip. “Maybe I’m not the perfect female
for you,” she whispered into his mouth.
    “ Maybe?” He pulled back
and loved how flushed her face was.
    She swallowed. Her
scent was making him mad. Ayden didn’t remember the last time his
dick had been this swollen with need for a female. Magda pulled
something deep inside him to life that he hadn’t ever known was
dormant until now.
    When her lashes
fluttered he was captivated by the act. She looked up at him. He
stared deep into her black eyes. The longest moment of his life
passed before his heart took its next beat. Magda wouldn’t stop him
now. He wouldn’t allow it. Already he knew she wanted him. Her
smell and body language didn’t lie.
    “ You don’t know what
life with me would be like.”
    “ I don’t fear what I
don’t know,” he told her, fighting to help her understand while her
body tortured his cock. “I leap to understand it.”
    She gave him a small
smile and the growl that was almost a purr, escaping from deep in
her throat, brought his blood to a boil.
    Nothing compelled him
to be gentle. The predator in him needed to possess, to control and
conquer, and gain Magda’s
complete submission.
    But with his next
breath, which he barely managed to take because so much ripe, fully
aroused female lay trapped underneath him, Ayden inhaled the
sumptuously rich smell of her desire. It was stronger than before.
She finally understood. It didn’t matter to him what breed she was.
It was her, who she was inside and out that mattered—a
    “ Magdaline.” He growled
her full name although not sure how coherent he sounded. He
unleashed his need for her with an aggressiveness so strong, so
breathtaking and demanding that with each of her soft, sultry
cries, he needed even more.
    Ayden ran his hand down
her smooth flesh and cupped her breast. He tugged on the full, ripe
mound until his hand slipped and his fingers grasped her nipple.
While nibbling on the corner of

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