Wink Poppy Midnight

Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke Page B

Book: Wink Poppy Midnight by April Genevieve Tucholke Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Genevieve Tucholke
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cave, and burn her alive. . .
    Wink was having an effect on me.
    I never used to think like this.
    And I wasn’t sure if I liked it or not.
    I went over to Poppy.
    I kissed the soft, translucent skin on the inside of her wrists.
    My lips followed the blue veins as they ran toward her elbows.
    Poppy sucked in her breath . . . held it . . .
    And then burst out of my arms. She ran toward the door, and stood there, shivering, shoulders shaking and her chin trembling.
    Her body slid down the doorframe until she was crouching, her bare knees popping out of her black skirt, her hands on her cheeks.
    A knock on the door.
    We both jerked.
    She looked up at me.
    â€œGo to the music room and hide,” I whispered. “At least until I’m done tying her up. All right?”
    Poppy nodded and left, though she didn’t look happy about it.
    It had been her idea to do this, to come here at night, to a place of ghosts and unforgivables. And so I wasn’t going to feel bad for her.
    I waited ten seconds and then went down the stairs and opened the front door. Wink, pale face shining in the dark. She gave me a look, and I gave her a look. She nodded. I nodded back.
    â€œWink,” I said, loudly, so Poppy could hear.
    I led her into the music room, my arm around her little waist, my lips by her ear, playing the part.
    Past the sagging wallpaper, past the green sofa.
    Up to the grand piano.
    I leaned Wink against it, and the Rachmaninoff pages fluttered. The piano made a deep, guttural sound, like pedals shifting and wires stretching. But it didn’t budge.
    I kissed her. I kissed her to keep up the ruse. I kissed her so Poppy would see. I wanted her to see. I slid my hands up Wink’s back to the base of her neck. She leaned her head into my palms.
    I took my time.
    â€œHere we go,” I whispered in Wink’s ear. And felt her head nod against my cheek.
    â€œWink, I want you to close your eyes,” I said, out loud. “And keep them closed. I have a present for you.”
    â€œOkay,” she said, softly, softly.
    I pulled my arms away, and Wink stayed where she was, head back, tips of her red hair touching the top of the piano.
    I glanced toward the corner by the bay window, quick. I couldn’t see Poppy, not even a faint outline. But I knew she was there.
    I thought about the scurrying sounds I’d heard earlier, and hoped the rats were crawling over her feet and licking her ankles.
    And then I felt bad for thinking that.
    I kneeled down and got the rope out of the backpack.
    I looped it around Wink’s wrists, quick, and snapped it tight.
    Her eyes flew open.
    â€œWhat are you doing, Midnight?” And her voice was perfect. Small and apprehensive and starting to get scared. “What is this? What are you doing?”
    â€œI’m tying you to the grand piano,” I answered, nice and easy. “I’m going to leave you here by yourself, all night long.” I looped the other end of the rope around the piano leg and pulled. Wink’s arms flew out and she fell to her knees.
    She started to cry, quiet, then louder.
    â€œWhy, Midnight, why? Why?
    The Bells never cried. That was the thing about them. If Poppy had ever paid any attention, she would have guessed. She would have known.
    But, instead, she laughed. She laughed, and then came running out of the corner. She laughed and pointed and practically danced with glee. She was supposed to stay hidden, but she just couldn’t help herself.
    And I’d counted on this.
    â€œFeral Bell, tied to a piano, spending the night with the ghosts. Serves you right. Do you think the spirits will like your unicorn underwear? Do you? I can’t wait to tell the Yellows about this. They are going to
.” Laugh, laugh, laugh.
    I gave it a second. Wink’s performance was flawless. I wanted to keep watching. I couldn’t help but keep watching.
    Wink shrunk back,

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