Wife by Wednesday

Wife by Wednesday by Catherine Bybee, Crystal Posey Page B

Book: Wife by Wednesday by Catherine Bybee, Crystal Posey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine Bybee, Crystal Posey
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
sip of her wine, and a bite of her food. Her lips moved slowly, reducing Blake’s brain to rubble. Eating a meal had never been more seductive.
    He ate quickly.
    Unable to put one more bite in his mouth, Blake tipped the rest of his wine down his throat and set the glass down hard.
    Samantha’s innocent smile and mock surprise added to the sexual tension surrounding them both. “Is everything okay?”
    He stood, his chair slid back without ceremony. “Oh, everything is perfectly fine.”
    She reached for her wine but he caught her hand midway and pulled her to her feet. He didn’t offer her any escape before crushing his lips to hers. Like him, she greedily accepted his tongue in her mouth and offered up hers as well.
    She tasted like wine and smelled like spring. Blake angled his mouth and deepened their kiss. The feel of her hands clutching his shirt soon opened and spread over his chest before circling his back. Samantha whimpered and melted into his arms. Every touch from this woman was so real and alive with desire. She matched him perfectly. Her fight for control, even now, was exciting and new. No one ever drove his relationships. Blake never gave them the reins. With Samantha, he could loosen his grip and trust that she’d drive them both in safe waters.
    As Samantha pushed his jacket off his shoulders and he moved his lips from hers so he could breath, he allowed himself a glance into the passionate green eyes of the woman in his arms. “You’re beautiful.”
    Unlike any other time he’d offered her a compliment, he thought this time she believed him.
    Nimble fingers started to tug at his tie as Blake backed her to the far end of the dining room table, away from their plates and food. His tie fell to the floor and Samantha leaned forward and licked and nibbled her way over his chin and neck. Her sexy bedroom voice spoke between bites. “I’ve thought about your latest proposal.”
    More than thought about it.
    Running his hand over her shoulder, he loosened the sleeve of her dress and pressed his lips to the flesh between her shoulder and neck. So sweet. “Come to any conclusions?” he asked, playing her game, but knowing the score.
    His teeth caught the lobe of her ear and her body shuddered. In his mind, he filed the spot on her body as one that gave her a bolt of pleasure. He’d find more places before the night was finished.
    “I-I decided I’m a mercenary and not a masochist.”
    He licked the back of her ear.
    “Oh, God, do that again.”
    He smiled over her neck and did as she asked. The feel of her leg rubbing against his, of her hips searching for friction caused every muscle in his body to strain for her touch. Had he ever been so in need of a woman before? Even in his sex-coated brain, he wanted to be absolutely sure Samantha wanted the same things he did.
    Blake buried his hands in her hair and forced her eyes to his. “Are you sure about this, Samantha?”
    Her eyes searched his. “Yes,” she whispered.
    His heart kicked in his chest. “I’m asking for more than one night.”
    Leaning back, she lifted a hand to his cheek. “One night won’t be enough. I want the full year.”
    With his gaze zeroed in on the green depths of her eyes, Blake sealed their newest, crazy deal with a slow, sizzling kiss.
    Blake lifted her hips and set her on the table before moving between her thighs. He found the bare flesh at her knee and traveled up the silky span of her leg. Everywhere he touched, he wanted to taste, to feel her response. She tugged his lower lip into her mouth and his mind envisioned her using her mouth on much more pleasurable parts of his body.
    Samantha clawed at his shirt until she had every button undone and her hands fanned over him. Her fingers flicked his nipples before she released his mouth and bent down to taste him there. His mind grew dizzy as she played with his body. Her legs wound around his waist and the heat of her core pressed against his erection. With a long

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