Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles

Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles by Audra Hart Page A

Book: Wicked Rage of the Moon: Book Three of the Airendell Chronicles by Audra Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Audra Hart
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the conflagration, and regain her absolute control over herself.  A split second later Morna has total control over herself again and looks at Rodrigo.  “Your unusual skill set makes you very, very good at playing with people’s heads.”
    “I wasn’t playing with your head, Lady Morna.  I truly believed you would want to know.  But yes, my talents make me very good at getting into the mind of my enemies.” Rodrigo confesses.  “But I did want to know if you are still human enough and modest enough to blush at that bit of information.”  Rodrigo chortles and says, “I found your reaction enchanting and amazing.  You regained control over yourself faster than any person I have ever provoked.  I suspect you can control rage just as quickly.”
    “She does.” Maria assures her son.  “Now Rodrigo, quit showing off and tell my friend why we are here.  We are ruining their honeymoon.  We damned well should get to the point.”
    Rodrigo sighs, and says, “Yes mother, you are right.  Morna please forgive me.  I was distracted by you.  You are so much more than I was expecting.  Your mate told me in this very glen over a year ago that you were amazing.  He spoke truly.”
    Morna looks at her mate and wonders about that conversation, but she quickly returns her attention to Rodrigo.  “I know you need my help, so tell me exactly what you need from me.”
    “When I was young and in training to become the head shaman of our Order, I was attacked by a wolf that had been bitten by a vampire.  The resulting beast is what is known as a blood wolf.  They are vicious, blood thirsty beasts that attack and ravage beasts and humans alike.  I destroyed this animal but not before it bit me.  I was very ill for many months.  My mother worked tirelessly to heal me.  I survived the bite, but it changed me forever.” Rodrigo tells Morna.
    “I assume you had ascended before this attack?”  Morna asks.
    “Yes, I ascended at seventeen.  This attack occurred when I was twenty-one.” Rodrigo says quietly.
    “Impressive.  My sister, my daughter and I all ascended at age 19, but we had been in training from a very young age.  Was it thus with you?” Morna asks.
    “No.  Mother had no wish to embrace the magic of our heritage for many years.  I ascended spontaneously, like you did in this incarnation.  After my ascension, mother realized it was not wise to not know how to control our abilities, so she embraced the ways of our people.  She ascended when I was twenty.”  Rodrigo says softly.
    Morna looks at Maria and understands why she looks as though she was in her thirties when she ascended.  “Maria, dear lady, just how old were you when you ascended?” Morna asks curiously.
    “I was fifty-five.”  Maria chuckles.  “I was a very late bloomer.”
    Morna chuckles and says, “Well you were a lovely fifty-five year old.”
    “And you were a remarkably beautiful forty-nine year old.”  Luca says quietly.
    “You are biased, my love,” Morna says with a self-deprecating scoff.  Morna returns her attention to Maria, “Odin called you a young girl when he talked about your affair.”
    “I was sixteen when we began our affair.  We were lovers for nineteen years.” Maria admits with a smile.
    Morna smiles as she imagines how passionate the pair of them must have been in those days.  She returns her attention to Rodrigo and is surprised that he is looking at Luca intently.  Morna looks at him as well, and wonders what is going on.
    “Morna, our guest believes I should tell you that whenever you say or do something that bothers me.  I don’t think it is worth mentioning, but he insists that you would truly want to know.  That you always want to have all the information, even when it’s not pleasant.  I know that is true about you, so I will follow his advice and tell you that you should not dismiss me when I say complimentary things about you.  As Deidra you were beautiful.  Your inner

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