Saturday, and I try to calm my jumbled emotions at the sight of him. I’d told myself over the weekend that it meant nothing, and that I need to ignore that it ever happened. Cord sure did a wonderful job of that on Saturday. We hadn’t discussed the kiss, and the rest of my shift had gone by smoothly.
I certainly have no intention of ever bringing it up, but it does annoy me that he seems so unaffected by it. I’m also embarrassed that I’d succumbed to him and his advances so easily. The guy is like sex on a stick. He’s hot, sexy, and he knows it. No wonder why Emmaline couldn’t help herself. All Cord has to do is flash that seductive smile of his, and you instantly feel like you want to give him whatever he wants.
I manage to keep my emotions off my face as I approach him. He doesn’t say anything—which is the norm. He just patiently waits for me as I twirl the dial on my locker and open it. Something falls from my top shelf and drops to the floor. I look down and find a very realistic looking penis at my feet.
Damn Riley.
Snickers echo around me, and my face burns as I bend down and quickly pick it up.
“Here,” Cord says simply.
I promptly drop the penis into his hand, and he calmly unzips his backpack and drops it inside. After I close my locker, we head to the cafeteria so I can grab something to eat. No one talks to us, but the other students are always watching us curiously. Last I’d heard, there’s an actual bet going around as to how long it would be before I end up dead.
Cord and I go outside, and I quickly regret not bringing my jacket. The temperatures are beginning to decline now that it’s October, and for the first time, I wonder where Cord spends his lunch when it’s too cold to sit outside. We settle on the grass by the tree, and I try not to shiver as a gust of wind picks up.
Cord frowns at me. “You should have brought your jacket.”
“I was distracted by the unwelcome gift in my locker.”
He opens his backpack and pulls out his black, hooded sweatshirt. “Here. Put this on.”
“Thank you.” I accept it and slip it on. It smells of him, and it’s nice and cozy as it falls around my upper body. I adjust it around my waist, then pick up my soda as I pull open the tab. “I wonder how Riley got his hands on my locker combo.”
“Isabella, I’m sure.” Cord pulls out homework. “She’s an office assistant during first period.”
I sigh and set down my soda. “Great. I wonder what other surprises I’m going to find in the coming weeks.”
“Just don’t leave anything important in there, and you’ll be fine.”
As I unwrap my sandwich, I study Cord as he begins working on his homework. For a tall, muscular guy, he rarely eats during lunch, and when he does, it’s usually a banana or an apple. I’ve offered him some of my own lunch before, but he always turns it down.
“What are you going to do with it?” I ask, referring to the penis.
Cord turns the page in his textbook, not bothering to look up. “I’m going to take a detour to the parking lot after lunch and replace Riley’s gas cap with it. Hopefully he won’t notice it until after he’s driven through town.”
I grin to myself as I begin to eat. Sometimes, I like how Cord’s mind works.
* * *
I’m working at Cordane’s that evening when I accidentally catch my finger on the rough edge of a drawer behind the makeshift checkout counter.
“Damn!” I hiss when I see that blood is steadily dripping from the cut on my left index finger. Not wanting to bleed on any merchandise, I stick my bloody finger in my mouth and grimace as the taste of copper hits my tongue. The store is busy tonight, but no one is waiting in line at the register.
I quickly stride past a couple looking at jewelry and enter the back of the store. Lightning flashes above, and the reaper comes at me with glowing eyes, making me let out a little squeak as I dart past him. There are dozens of tables hidden in amongst
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