‘Cause my mouth is on it
(Couldn’t hear me anyway
‘Cause my ears are on it),
Can’t even think about it
‘Cause my brain is in it.
So I guess I’ll sit down
On this rock
And rest for just a minute….
Joey Joey took a stone
And knocked
And whoosh! it swizzled
Down so hard,
And bloomp! it bounced
In his backyard.
And glunk! it landed
On his toe!
And the world was dark,
And the corn wouldn’t grow.
And the wind wouldn’t blow.
And the cock wouldn’t crow,
And it always was Night,
All because
Of a stone
Listen to the MUSTN’TS , child.
Listen to the DON’TS
Listen to the SHOULDN’TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then listen close to me-
Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.
I’ll tell you the story of Jimmy Jet-
And you know what I tell you is true.
He loved to watch his TV set
Almost as much as you.
He watched all day, he watched all night
Till he grew pale and lean.
From “The Early Show” to “The Late Late Show”
And all the shows between.
He watched till his eyes were frozen wide,
And his bottom grew into his chair.
And his chin turned into a tuning dial.
And antennae grew out of his hair.
And his brains turned into TV tubes.
And his face to a TV screen.
And two knobs saying”vert.”and”horiz.”
Grew where his ears had been.
And he grew a plug that looked like a tail
So we plugged in littleJim.
And now instead of him watching TV
We all sit around and watch him.
Oh, if you’re a bird, be an early bird
And catch the worm for your breakfast plate.
If you’re a bird, be an early early bird-
But if you’re a worm, sleep late.
A piece of sky
Broke off and fell
Through the crack in the ceiling
Right into my soup,
I really must state
That I usually hate
Lentil soup, but I ate
Every drop!
Delicious delicious
(A bit like plaster).
But so delicious, goodness sake-
I could have eaten a lentil-soup lake.
It’s amazing the difference
A bit of sky can make.
“She’s coming,” the farmer said to the owl.
“Oh, what shall I, what shall I do?
Shall I bow when she comes?
Shall I twiddle my thumbs?”
The owl asked, “Who?”
“The Queen, the Queen, the royal Queen-
She’ll pass the farm today.
Shall I salute?” he asked the horse.
The horse said, “Nay.”
“Shall I give her a gift?” he asked the wren.
“A lovely memento for her to keep?
An egg or a peach or an ear of corn?”
The wren said, “Cheap.”
“But should I curtsy or should I cheer?
Oh, here’s her carriage now.
What should I do?” he asked the dog.
The dog said, “Bow.”
And so he did, and so she passed,
Oh, tra lala lala,
“She smiled, she did!” he told the sheep.
The sheep said, “Bah.”
Who wants a pancake,
Sweet and piping hot?
Good little Grace looks up and says,
“I’ll take the one on top.”
Who else wants a pancake.
Fresh off the griddle?
Terrible Theresa smiles and says,
“I’ll take the one in the middle.”
My dad gave me one dollar bill
‘Cause I’m his smartest son.
And I swapped it for two shiny quarters
‘Cause two is more than one!
And then I took the quarters
And traded them to Lou
For three dimes-I guess he don’t know
That three is more than two!
Just then, along came old blind Bates
And just ‘cause he can’t see
He gave me four nickels for my three dimes.
And four is more than three!
And I took the nickels to Hiram Coombs
Down at the seed-feed store.
And the fool gave me five pennies for them.
And five is more than four!
And then I went and showed my dad.
And he got red in the cheeks
And closed his eyes and shook his head-
Too proud of me to speak!
Me and him
Him and me.
We’re always together
As you can see.
I wish he’d leave
So I’d be free
Martin Scott
P. J. Fox
Douglas Whynott
Jennie Bentley
D.C. Gambel
Kristen Ashley
Matthew White
J.L. Weil
Sheila Connolly
Cambria Hebert