Where Love Runs Free (Tales from the Upcountry)

Where Love Runs Free (Tales from the Upcountry) by Caroline Friday Page A

Book: Where Love Runs Free (Tales from the Upcountry) by Caroline Friday Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caroline Friday
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to Ben’s neck. “Knowing
her, she probably fell on purpose.”
    “Angelina!” Jessie exclaimed.
    “Well it’s true. She’ll do about anything to get Ben’s
    “That’s mean and hateful, and anyway, why would you care?”
Jessie said. “Engaged women aren’t supposed to be thinking about what other men
do—other than their betrothed.”
    Angelina ignored this comment and squinted, watching Ben and
Isabella approach. “I don’t know what she’s up to,” she murmured, “but I guess
you better let Ella know we’re gonna have company for lunch—and maybe dinner
too. And I reckon we oughta get the guest room ready so she can rest till Isaac
can get over here and fetch her.”
    She followed Tom out to the field to meet Ben and take
charge of the horses. Tom grabbed hold of Mighty Wind’s bridle while Billy
scampered out from the stable and untethered Isabella’s mare. “We’ve got a
sprained ankle,” Ben said. “Horse got spooked by a mountain lion.” He
gracefully slid off the stallion’s back, cradling Isabella in his arms.
    “Mountain lion?” Angelina asked. “During broad daylight?”
    “Pitch black and mean.” Ben ignored her as he made his way
to the house with Isabella burying her face in his shoulder. “She’s frightened
out of her wits, but she’ll be all right. Could’ve been a lot worse.”
    “Take her into the parlor,” Angelina said, opening the
kitchen door for Ben. She followed him as he trudged through the house, feeling
her stomach drop at the way he placed Isabella’s limp body on the settee like
an injured lamb.
    Jessie spread a cotton blanket over her bandaged ankle and
stuffed a feather pillow under her head. “Poor thing. Is she gonna be all right
you think?”
    “She’ll be fine,” Angelina answered, surveying Isabella with
a suspicious eye.
    “Ella’s fixing her a cup of tea, and then I guess we oughta get
one of the boys to ride over to Middleton and get Isaac.”
    “No need to do that,” Ben said, giving Jessie a nod. “I say
we let her rest a while, then I’ll get her and the mare home safe.”
    “That won’t be necessary—”
    “Maybe not,” Ben snapped, cutting Angelina off. “But I wanna
see her home.” He stared into her eyes, and she could see the hurt rising to
the surface. He was still angry from last night.
    Ella bustled into the parlor with a tea tray loaded down
with a steaming cup of lemon tea and a roll of cool, wet rags. “Lord, look at
this child—almost eaten up by a mountain lion. Who woulda thought such a
thing?” She set the tray down on the tea table and proceeded to dab Isabella’s
hot forehead with one of the moist cloths. “Oh, Mr. Ben, bless your heart. The
Good Lord sure knew what He was doin’ when He sent you to us, fightin’ off a
wild animal like that. I’m gonna fix you the best dinner you ever ate tonight,
you hear?” She gave him an admiring look and chattered on, “Roast beef cooked
in pot liquor, new potatoes in butter and chives, and some of my fresh collard
greens cooked in ham hocks. And you like corn bread?”
    “Yes, ma’am,” he replied, feeling a grin creep across his
face. “I like anything you’ve cooked up.”
    “Well good, ’cause no one else is gonna eat a bite till you
say so. You can have all of it.” She pointed a finger at Angelina, trumping any
other instruction. “And I mean all. You can stuff yourself like an ole
pig.” Then turning back to Isabella, she plumped up her pillow and squeezed a
bit of lemon in the china tea cup. “There child,” she cooed, patting Isabella’s
hand. “You don’t worry your pretty little head ’bout an old night cougar, like my
daddy used to call ’em. You’re good and safe now, and the Good Lord’s gonna
take extra, special care of you, ’cause I’m gonna be prayin’ for you, night and
    “That’s right, Isabella,” Jessie said.
    “All of us are.” Ella glanced at Angelina and poked her leg
with the toe of her

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