When Joss Met Matt
should try to come up to my parents’ place for the Fourth of July. It’s gonna be a lot of fun.”
    Alex’s hand tightened on my waist. We’d officially dropped away from the group of people going for food. “Yeah, she told me about that. I wish we could make it.” He tugged me close and kissed my temple. “I was trying to call you, Jocelyn.”
    â€œGood thing I know where to find you.” He laughed a little.
    â€œHmm. I guess I’ll see you later, Joss.” Matt waved and took a few steps before he turned and looked at me again. “Please try, it’ll be fun.”
    â€œI’ll try,” I said.
    He turned again and Alex rubbed my lower back as we watched him walk away. “You’re not really thinking of going, are you?” he asked.
    I shrugged. “I don’t know. It would be really nice. A lot of my friends are going.”
    â€œBut you know I have to stay in Madison for classes this summer, pumpkin.” He made the puppy-dog face I always found adorable. “It’s already going to be awful to be away from you so much. You wouldn’t want to go without me, right?”
    â€œWell, no …” I stuffed my hands in my pockets. “Couldn’t you come home just for the holiday? We could go up together.”
    He smiled and kissed my forehead. “I’m sure we could come up with better things to do for the holiday.”
    â€œIt’ll be a lot of fun. Matt says his parents’ place is great.”
    Alex looked in the direction of the cafeteria. “That guy wants to get in your pants so bad he can taste it.” He frowned. “I just don’t like the way he looks at you.”
    Guilt clutched in my gut. I had never, and obviously could never, tell Alex about Matt being my Sorbet Guy. “It’s not like that. Matt’s my friend.”
    Alex’s frown deepened, then he let out a breath and wrapped me in his arms. “Can you blame me for wanting to keep you all to myself? You’re so beautiful. Who wouldn’t want you?”
    I let the pleasure shiver through me, even as a small part of me answered him in silence, Anyone but you? He adored me, and seemed to have no idea that I was just … me. “You’re so sweet,” I said.
    He kissed my forehead again. “So, what were you doing? I called your phone three times before I finally came to look for you.”
    I’d left it in my room, actually, but I knew I had to lie. “I was helping Jessie with her loft. I didn’t hear it ring.”
    He smiled. “I wish you weren’t going home this summer. I hate not knowing where you are, what you’re doing …”
    â€œI’ll be locked up like Rapunzel in my parents’ house, no worries. Just washing dogs and hanging out with my high school friends, I’m sure.”
    â€œAnd coming up here to see me. Every weekend. Because you can’t bear to be away from me.”
    I laughed. “Right. And that. Aren’t you going to come visit me at all?”
    â€œYou really want me to take the bus? You can just drive up here.”
    â€œNo, you’re right. I should.”
    â€œThat’s my girl.” He smiled. “Now, I have an idea. What do you say I take my gorgeous girlfriend down to the Union and get something better to eat than this cafeteria crap?”
    â€œI say okay.” I smiled and he squeezed me with a deep sigh of contentment. I didn’t want to go home either. I wanted to stay with Alex. He made me feel like a rare diamond, and I loved that he thought I was a grand prize he’d won. He was so convinced that every guy I knew wanted to steal me away from him. I knew he was dead wrong, but that was part of what made it so endearing. He reminded me of Ben with his protectiveness, except, you know, not a cheating asshole.
    Jessie and I drove up to Door County together for the holiday.

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