When Honey Got Married
Realizing her dress was rucked up to her armpits, she yanked it down, then slid off the desk. Looking down, she noticed her panties hanging off one ankle, so bent and whipped them back up.
    No doubt her breasts were rising and falling like the Gulf Stream after Katrina.
    “So much for a kiss. I hope you found it…acceptable.”
    As soon as she said those words, every nerve in her body clenched with fear for what he might say. How he might judge her most uninhibited moments ever .
    He turned to stare at her, smoldering embers in his lust-darkened eyes. He spoke with an effort, his voice deeper and growlier than a grizzly’s. “It was…memorable.” He lowered his lashes. “You’re truly sweet.”
    Sweet ? She felt so filled with nameless emotion she wanted to say something wonderful to him. Something right.
    But before she could he said, “Brent’s a lucky guy to inspire such–passion.”
    She drew a sharp breath. “Well, but…” She broke off, wondering if she should admit that Brent had not been present in the room in any way, shape, or form.
    He shot her a keen glance. “Yeah? You were saying?”
    Her courage shriveled. She dropped her gaze. “Nothing.”
    He moved to the door. Hesitated. Turned back to her. “Look, er, when things loosen up out there I’ll take Honey for a stroll and keep her occupied for five minutes.”
    She hardly comprehended the words. But then it all solidified in her mind again and she remembered.
    “How?” She felt such a sharp pang the words escaped her before she could bite them back. “How will you occupy her? Will you kiss her?”
    His hand arrested on the door handle. He glanced back. “Would that matter, Eve?”
    Something nasty jabbed her in the chest. “No, I guess. I mean…Well, yes. Yes, it might. You know it might.”
    “Why?” His eyes glinted.
    “Well, Honey loves Brent, and she might…be confused. People could feel hurt…”
    “Would it hurt you?”
    “Ye—no. I don’t know.” She turned away, her brain whirling, or maybe it was her heart still in a Rainer-induced spin. “Look. Look, go away now, will you please, Rainer? I can’t think properly while you’re here.”

Chapter Four
    It took her a while to tidy up in the ladies’ room and calm herself down, though it was ridiculous to think anything had changed just because she’d kissed Rainer. Or—fine, indulged in sex with Rainer. Experienced an orgasm with Rainer.
    With her lips so swollen and her eyes burning like hot coals, her face looked too blissfully sexual, like a supremely satisfied alley cat who’d stolen all the cream.
    But it had been so good. She sagged against the vanity and closed her eyes, breathing hard. The feel of Rainer’s lips, his hands, seemed somehow burned into her senses. All her past erotic experiences paled in comparison.
    But how had it been for him? He’d certainly given every appearance of being hotly aroused, so the question had to be asked. Had it been enough?
    Maybe he pleasured women as a matter of course, and didn’t require much tit for tat. Or should that be tat for…? Although, should she be worrying? Who was he to her, after all? A virtual stranger. An adventurer who drove women to jump off cliffs and the like.
    But he had been very polite, describing her as seductive. Quite a few guys had said things like that to her, that she was hot, that she was sexy. She appreciated the kindness of the thought, she really did. Who wouldn’t want to be thought seductive? Somehow though, it was the other term Rainer had used that made her insides glow.
    Sweet .
    Her heart warmed with joy to think it. For once a man had looked past her face and her body and found sweetness in her.
    The truth was, she’d rather be thought “sweet” than “seductive” just about any day. Still, one anxious thought remained lodged in her brain. Rainer had been more in control than she. She couldn’t help thinking of other boys she’d kissed and how secretly bored she’d often

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