What the Heart Needs

What the Heart Needs by Jessica Gadziala Page B

Book: What the Heart Needs by Jessica Gadziala Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jessica Gadziala
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    Elliott could barely keep his mind on the conversation going on around him. He never should have told her to attend. She looked nothing but uncomfortable all evening. It never occurred to him that she might be shy. In the office, she conversed easily with all the floor staff, his associates, and even the cleaning staff. Maybe she was able to turn on an outgoing personality for work, but in her personal life she didn’t have the same ability.
    He watched her circulate the rooms, stopping occasionally to engage in conversations with random guests. She looked utterly charming, but once people realized she wasn’t of value to them, they quickly moved on. She had taken her plate and disappeared to his den. A moment later, James followed her in with a frown.
    When Hannah came storming out, anger clearly plastered on her face, he had already started toward her. Then when James was there grabbing her in an aggressive manner… it was all he could do to keep his voice below a shout. James was never someone to put his hands on women and he couldn’t quite accept that he was doing it to her.
    And he knew that she lied about a misunderstanding. There was something adorably endearing about how poorly she lied. But there was a pleading on her face as if asking him to let the matter go. So he did.
    When he saw her with Bob Tanner for more than a moment or two, his curiosity got peaked and he started over. It wasn’t until he got close that he noticed that Bob had his hands on her and she was holding her body pin straight, leaning away from him. When he joined them, and she looked up at him with tears in her eyes, he fought the urge to play the hero. He chose to sweep her away to the dance floor so she could regain herself and he didn’t create a scene.
    He had just gotten used to her soft body in his arms. He felt her curves pressing against him as he guided her across the floor.
    When Dan interrupted, he felt a moment of genuine disappointment, not to mention anger at having to spend another moment in Dan’s company. She had already been demanding of him all evening.
    He was glad to see James sweep in and get her out of the room in a fashion he never could have pulled off.
    “Where’s Hannah?” he asked an hour later when he saw James come back into the room.
    “I took her home,” James said, holding a new glass of scotch. He looked over Elliott’s shoulder at Bob Tanner. “Do you know he went up to her and was asking her how she would pleasure him?”
    Elliott’s breath hissed out of him and he turned from his brother and walked over to Bob. “I need you to leave,” he said simply. At Bob’s outraged expression, he took his arm and led him toward the door. “When you are in my house, I expect to conduct yourself like a gentlemen. As that was not the case this evening. Get out of my house.” The firmness in his voice allowed for no argument and Bob walked out the front door.
    “For her,” Dan’s voiced asked behind him. “Really, Elliott? I expected better from you.”
    Elliott took another drink and wondered what the hell had gotten into him.
    Hannah woke up late Saturday morning still wearing her dress from the night before. Her head hurt and she made a mental note that she needed to increase her tolerance to alcohol so she could avoid a hangover from only three drinks.
    Though to be honest, she had never possessed a strong tolerance. The first time she had gotten absolutely silly, cant-see-straight drunk in high school she had only had two beers. And college had been mostly late night studying and coffee dates with friends with only a party every month or two.
    She walked over to the window to close the curtain, when something on her street caught her eye. Her car. Maybe James had brought it back late the night before. Hannah drew the curtains and slipped out of her dress into an oversized t-shirt and old, soft jeans. She curled up on the couch with a bottle of water and aspirin and

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