Welcome to the Marines (Corporate Marines Book 2)
every class, he told us, “I don’t want the class answers that you learned in school. I expect you to actually use your brain and think.”
    Afghanistan was a country that had been a focal point for conflict in the twentieth century. The Russians had invaded for several reasons, including the desire to gain a foothold in the area, as well as keeping the Muslim faith in check through a defensive border. Other factors that figured in were fighting the drug problem that was starting to come up into Russia, as well as locking down possible sources of future resources that were as yet undiscovered.
    He smiled as he talked; it was a fast-paced lecture. “The Russians started strong with this conflict. They were invited in and then they set up the puppet regime, as they had done in other places in past. They brought in specially trained advisors who could organize a military and police force. They established their rules and made sure that the ruling group was supported.” He paused and snorted. “So why did they lose? Anyone?”
    Then, as he liked to do, he randomly went around the class picking people. He stopped on our favourite vocal blonde, Mouth. “You, candidate, please let us know why the Russians failed in Afghanistan.”
    She looked up and began with a blank face that meant she was reciting from memory. “The Russians had lost the will to fight after a bitter and expensive action in a foreign land where few locals supported them and their forces had to leave built-up areas in company or larger formations.”
    The professor applauded and had a big, beautiful smile on his face. He was going to crucify her. Everyone had been up late working on homework, the assignment and test preparation. Some of us were letting some of the “recommended” reading slide. He closed in for the kill. “Well, candidate, that was a truly pathetic grade-school answer from someone who isn’t that smart. Perhaps someone here would like to help you dig your way out of the hole you put yourself in? Or perhaps they will join you and I can just throw some dirt on you and call you dead. Hmmm?” His smile grew even bigger.
    I put my hand up. “I think I can help, professor.”
    His smile became predatory and I could see Mouth stiffen. He looked between us both. “Very well, candidate. Your answer will set the grade for both of you for this topic. Surprise me.”
    I nodded, took a deep breath and slowly released it. “There are several reasons that the Russians pulled out of Afghanistan. First, we need to understand that the reason for their being there had never changed. They were still hoping to have Afghanistan as a barrier to the religion that was sweeping up into the south of the empire. Also, drugs were still filtering in. While the flow had been slowed right down, they knew that if they pulled out, then the trickle would become a flood and there would be a very real problem in the country after they departed. When they left, the local government collapsed quickly and all those problems happened anyway.”
    I stood up and moved to the map at the front of the class and pointed to the areas of the former Warsaw Pact and continued. “We need to remember that Russia pushed for the invasion but used the Warsaw Pact forces to go in, not just Russian forces. This conflict was far from home and not very popular. When a war is going on, it has to be popular if it is going to be long; otherwise some people will not be happy with the cost of the conflict and they’ll argue for peace. If their border is not the same as the one with the conflict, they will feel even better about that as their neighbours will have to take the impact of the peace before they will. Most affiliated countries thought they would be there for maybe two years and that was all. But the war lasted much longer and there was a slow trickle of casualties, which the client countries did not like.” I paused again and pointed at the North American continent. “The U.S. at the

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