Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much

Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much by Colette Baron-Reid Page A

Book: Weight Loss for People Who Feel Too Much by Colette Baron-Reid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colette Baron-Reid
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eating habits and will teach you better ways to manage your feelings of being overwhelmed. Practice self-compassion and be radically honest with yourself about what you’re eating and why.
    In her 1982 book, Calories Don’t Count if You Eat Standing Up , columnist Barbara Halloran Gibbons introduced the idea that we tend to ignore the excess calories we consume by coming up with absurd excuses for why they don’t count. The idea took off and many people have added to it. See if you’ve been kidding yourself by subscribing to the “dieter’s rules” below.
    Dieter’s Rules (Or, the Lies We Tell Ourselves!)
    â€¢If you eat while standing over the sink, walking down the street, or driving, the calories don’t count.
    â€¢If you eat and nobody sees you eating, the calories don’t count.
    â€¢Broken cookies and candies are calorie-free because all the calories fell out of them when they broke.
    â€¢There are no calories in fudge you buy in a gift store while you’re on vacation. The same for ice cream eaten while on vacation, or at least with children nearby, and alcoholic drinks consumed at weddings, Bar Mitzvahs, high school reunions, etc.
    â€¢Foods eaten in the movie theater contain no calories, so go for the buttered popcorn and “theater size” Junior Mints. In fact, there also aren’t any calories in buttered popcorn or theater-size candies as long as you eat them while watching a movie at home or on a portable device.
    â€¢A diet soda eaten with candy, cheeseburgers, or cake will render them calorie-free.
    â€¢Whatever you eat as comfort food or to self-medicate when you’re feeling lousy is calorie free, whether it’s frozen custard, cheesecake, cookies, good wine, or cosmopolitans.
    â€¢Halloween candy does not contain calories as long as you’re eating it to prevent cavities in your children’s teeth.
    â€¢If you lick the spoon, the knife, or the mixing bowl, good news—no calories!
    â€¢Food eaten off children’s plates to prevent wasting it has no calories.
    Wrong, wrong, WRONG!
    How many dieter’s rules have you invented to make up for grounding yourself with foods and overeating?
    Fortunately, as you learn to better manage your porous boundaries and be mindful of your body’s needs, it’ll be even easier to stop kidding yourself about the movie Milk Duds and the leftover pizza on your child’s plate.
    If I’m Eating So Well, Why Do I Feel So Awful?
    Some of you may find that when you clean up your diet as part of this weight-loss program, right away you will feel some discomfort: headaches, sluggishness, irritability, and so on. This can happen when your body starts clearing out the toxins that have built up in it. I know—it seems unfair that when you start eating well, you get socked with a stomachache or a migraine, but it’s all good. When the toxins are out of your system, you’ll feel better than ever—and you’ll be more cautious about putting them back into your diet.
    Detoxifying can also bring up emotional toxins, like anger, fear, grief, and resentment, that you’ve buried deep inside you. Drink lots of water, be self-compassionate, and let yourself feel the emotions so that they can dissolve naturally instead of getting stuck inside your energy field and your subconscious mind. Use your journal to express your feelings as you go through this detoxification. And you can tap-tap-tap it, too! Even though I feel like total crap, I love and approve of myself!
    That’s it: kindness, IN-Vizion exercises, salt, and simplicity (simple plans for eating and movement, simple emotional field). They are the four key ingredients for making this program work for you. So, get a hold of the salts and essential oils; make a trip to the store to stock up on healthy, natural foods (mostly plant-based); find two journals, one for the Dumping Grounds and the other for Solutions and

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